Revolutionary war 1

BARRATT-Melanie Salmon-Rev. War

  • French Assistance

    In early 1776 the French secretly sent weapons to the Patriots since they were still bitter from their defeat by the British in the French and Indian War.
  • Retreat from Boston

    The British retreated from Boston, moving the war to the Middle States as part of a plan to stop the rebellion by isolating New England. So the British decided to seize New York
  • Period: to

    Forces Join

    Brothers General William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe joined forces on Staten Island and sailed into the New York Harbor with the largest British force ever assembled. Americans called the troops: Hessians. Washing ton rallied his troops in defense, but was outnumbered greatly.
  • Battle ended

    The battle for New York ended
  • Washington Gets Pushed

    By late fall, the British pushed Washington's army across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. At this time fewer than 8,000 men were under Washington's command due to desertion or death.
  • Battle At Trenton

    Washington and his troops left at night to attack the Hessian's at Trenton.
  • Battle at Trenton

    Washington and his men made it to Trenton by 8:00 and took the Hessians by surprise. The Americans killed 30 of the enemy and took over 900 captives.
  • Troop Enlistment Ends

    The enlistment for Washington's troop ends.
  • Another Victory

    Eight days after the battle at Trenton, the Americans get another victory. This time it was against over 1,000 British stationed at Princeton. After this, Washington marches his army into winter camp near Morristown, in northern NJ.
  • Period: to

    General Howe Starts Planning

    General Howe begins his campaigne to seize the American capital in Philadelphia. His troops sailed from New York to the Chesapeake Bay, and landed near the capital in late August. The Continental Congress left the city while Washington's troops tried but failed at blocking the redcoats. The British captured Philadelphia.
  • Surrender

    General Burgoyne was in partnership with General Howe. Burgyone had a plan to join forces with Howe so they could isolate New England from the rest of the colonies. He set out with thousands of men, but continued to get thrashed everytime he came in contact with Americans. Eventually, mass American troops surrounded Burgoyne at Saratoga, where he surrendered his army to General Gates.
  • Period: to

    Valley Forge

    Valley Forge served as the site of the Continental Army's camp during the winter. Conditions were very harsh.
  • French Alliance

    The French recognized the Americans independence and signed a treaty with them. The Saratoga victory supported French trust in the American Army, so Franch agreed to support the Revolution.
  • Friedrich von Steuben

    Friedrich von Steuben volunteered his services to General Washington and went to work to make the country men into real soldiers. He taught the men valuable war skills that made the army become an effective fighting force.
  • Period: to

    Operation Shifts

    After the defeat at Saratoga the British begin to shift operations to the South. They hoped to rally Loyalist support while they were there, and slowly fight their way back north.
  • British Takes Georgia

    Toward the end of 1778, the British expedition took Savannah Georgia
  • Period: to

    Command in Georgia

    The Royal Government commanded Georgia.
  • Lafayette

    A military leader named Marquis de Lafayette joined Washington's staff and went throught the misery at Valley Forge, lobbied for French reinforcements in Franch in 1779 and led a command in Virginia in the last years of the war.
  • British capture

    British captured Charles town, South Carolina
  • Sailing south

    General Henry Clinton sailed south with 8,500 men
  • Cornwallis' Army

    Cornwallis' army smashed American forces at Camden, South Carolina
  • Forts in the State

    Within 3 months, British established forts across the state
  • British and Americans fight

    The British and Americans fought. The redcoats eventually surrendered
  • Cornwallis and Greene

    Cornwallis attacked Greene, Cornwallis won the battle
  • Superintendent of Finance

    Congress appointed a rich merchant named Robert Morris as superintendent of finance.
  • Payment of Troops

    Due to inflation, Congress struggled to hook up the Continental Army. So the superintendent of finance, and his associate Hayme Salomon raised money to provide salaries for the Army. On September 18, 1781, the troops were finally paid in gold coins.
  • Surrender

    Cornwallis surrendered
  • British Surrender

    The British formally surrendered.
  • Accept surrender

    Washington and the French accept the surrender
  • Peace talks

    Peace talks began in Paris
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Delegates signed the Treaty of Paris