Fraserpolselli1920's timeline

  • Lenin and the Communist State

    Lenin and the Communist State
    Lenin wanted the world to be lead by him and no one else. Lenin was determined to have a communist society, and he knocked down anyone who disagreed.
  • Period: to


  • 18th Amendment Ratified

    18th Amendment Ratified
    The 18th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution because alcohol was not going to be allowed. The U.S. government wanted the prohibition of alcohol because the country's morality was changing.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    The Palmer Raids occured because many immigrants were being arrested and deported from the country. The immigrats were deported because citizens were tired of losing jobs to them.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    The Volstead Act was put into place to stop the selling of alcohol. Alcohol was not to be sold or consumed by anyone in America.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Trial

    Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
    Sacco and Vanzetti were two men who were charged of robbing and killing 2 payroll men. The men were sent to jail and executed after their trial.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment was put into order for everyone's right to vote. The 19th Amendment was used to make the government let anyone vote no matter what their gender or race was.
  • Teapot Dome Affair

    Teapot Dome Affair
    The Teapot Dome Affair was when Warren Harding was said to be taken part in a scandel. The scandel was said to be that the President participated in bribery deals.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    The National Origins Act was put into place to limit the amount of immigrants from a certain country, This happened because the population was increasing and citizens were sick of all the new people in their country,
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    This trial happened because a high school biology teacher taught his student about evolution. Evolution was not to be taught because there are many unknown reasons to the world, and many religious beliefs take place in evolution.
  • Charles Lindbergh Crosses the Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh Crosses the Atlantic
    Charles Lindbergh was a man who loved to fly everywhere. He took on the challenge to fly from America to Europe over the Atlantic Ocean, and he succeeded.
  • The Jazz Singer Released

    The Jazz Singer Released
    The Jazz Singer was the first sound movie back in the 1920's. This movie had many songs in it, and it was a huge deal for any movie-lover.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover became America's 31st president in 1929. He was elected because he was supposed to help America from the Great Depression, but he did not succeed.
  • Stock Market Crashed

    Stock Market Crashed
    The Wall Street Market crashed in 1929. No one can really figure out why this happened, but it sent America into its biggest depression in history.