1912-1929 Timeline

  • Lenin and the Communist State/ Red Scare

    Lenin and the Communist State/ Red Scare
    The red scare was a nation wide panic that communist, socalist,annarchists, and there diddidents suddenly grabbed the American conceptions in the 1919 flowing a series of anarchist bobing. The Red scare sttarted in Russia where Lenin had then become the leader.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    Thsi act was formally know as the National Prohabition Act. This eventually became the 18th admendment. This act was also named after Andrew Volsted.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    the Palmer Raids were raids on Russian Unions. There ended up being 500 forgin citizens deported. This was taking place about the same time as the red scare.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    This amendment did not ban alcohol, but only made it difficult to obtain it legally. Most people know this to be the Prohibition Act.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Rrial

    Sacco and Vanzetti Rrial
    Vanzetti was charged with attempted robery and murder. Sacco was let go because his time card stated that he was at work the time all this happened. More than one trial happened between these people.
  • Teapot Dome Affair

    Teapot Dome Affair
    name after the teapot dome wich is a rock formation in Wyoming that looks like a teapot and stood atop a large government naval oil reserve. This was the most famous of sevral scandals that ruined the rep. of Presadent Warren G. Hording. Albert Fall was also convicted of taking bribed from oil executives.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    This trial was between the State of Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes. The trial became a theological contest regarding creation vs. evolution conroversy.
  • 1st talking movie, the Jazz Singer is released

    1st talking movie, the Jazz Singer is released
    This was the start of the decline of silent films. The Jazz Singer was made by the Warnner Brothers films. This film was about was about a boy who defied his Jewish father by becomming a a famous Jazz singer and changing his name.
  • Charles Lindberg Crosses the Atlantic

    Charles Lindberg Crosses the Atlantic
    Charles Lindberg flew on the Sprit of St. Louis. He went from Long Island to Paris and it tok 33 1/2 hrs. Its was 3,500 miles all round trip. He was also the first person to fly acrost the Atlantic alone.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    This was the first permant limitation on immigrantion in the U.S. This introduced no alien ineligible to become a citizen shall be admitted to the U.S as an immigrant.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Acured at the end of the technological golden age. Every/ All companies were efected by this crash.
  • Herbert Hoover elected president

    Herbert Hoover elected president
    He was elected on the promise to continuet prosperity in the United States. At the begining of his term Herbet was faced with many strugles. At the end of his term, Herbert lost all of his good reputation and was disliked by many.