Zachary Taylor

By lvesely
  • birth

    born in orange county virgina on one of his plantaions
  • school

    he was taught by his mom on his plantation
  • joined the army

    joined the army
    He was only 18 when he joined the army
  • married

    he was married to margret taylor
  • Anne Margerat born

    Anne Margerat born
    First kid
  • start of war of 1812

    start of war of 1812
    he was a soilder in this war
  • Savah Knox born

    Savah Knox born
    second kid
  • end of war of 1812

    end of war of 1812
    he finished this was as a general
  • Marget Simth Taylor born

    Marget Simth Taylor born
    Third kid
  • octavia pannell died

    octavia pannell died
    first child to die she was only 4 years old.
  • mom died

    mom died
    died when she was 62
  • Mary Elizabeth Taylor born

    Mary Elizabeth Taylor born
    fourth kid
  • Richard Taylor Born

    Richard Taylor Born
    last kid only boy child
  • his dad died

    his dad died
    he was 85 when he died
  • sarah taylor died

    sarah taylor died
    second child to die she was only 14
  • start of the mexican war

    start of the mexican war
    He served as a general in this war
  • joioned whig party

    joioned whig party
    The whig party elected him to join the whig party
  • mexican war ended

    mexican war ended
    he was searving in this war before he was president
  • left army

    left army
    retied from the army after searving in 3 wars and 42 years
  • became president

    became president
    became the 12th president
  • opposes compromis of 1850

    opposes compromis of 1850
    He did not want slaves in the new land won in the mexican war.
  • death

    died of many cuases while in office burried in lousivill Kuntucky.
  • Millard Fillmore becomes president

    Millard Fillmore becomes president
    became president after Zachary taylor dies
  • burried

    was burried at zachary taylor national cematary
  • Marget Simth Taylor died

    Marget Simth Taylor died
    she was 63 years old
  • wife died

    wife died
    died when she was 70 years old
  • Millard Fillmore no longer president

    Millard Fillmore no longer president
    Zachary Taylor tearm is over so Fillmore is no longer president
  • Ann mackall died

    Ann mackall died
    was 64 years old
  • richard taylor died

    richard taylor died
    was 53 years old
  • mary bliss died

    mary bliss died
    died at 85 years old