
Ch.18 timeline

By khaver
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was called to talk about the re-establishing of the the European Nations. Little to no effect had occured from this meeting.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam Conference was called upon President Harry Truman and Sir Winston Churchill to discuss the terms of getting out of WWll. The two leaders met at Potsdam to hold this conference.
  • First A-bomb dropped on Japan

    First A-bomb dropped on Japan
    The first A bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This event marked nearly the last day of WWll. No one wanted to fight against the U.S.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    V-J Day represents the day the United States won the war over Japan. Japan surrendered to the U.S. and signed a treaty that ended the war between them.
  • “Iron Curtain Speech”

    “Iron Curtain Speech”
    The Iron Curtain Speech came about from Sir Winston Churchill. After failing to gain his right as the prime-minister of Britian, he was in need of help. Fortunatly, he made friends with president Harry Truman to promote his speech.
  • Truman Doctrine announced

    Truman Doctrine announced
    The Truman Doctrine was announced to gain the United State's approval to help out Greece and Turkey after WWll. Making it a reality, the two nations were both very thankful for the Unided State's help.
  • Marshall Plan announced

    Marshall Plan announced
    The Marshall Plan was annouced to help the European nations after WWll. The U.S. did so by providing financial support as well as economical stability to get the countries back on their feet.
  • NATO treaty ratified

    NATO treaty ratified
    The NATO treaty is an organization of 12 different countries that are all involved in a program that monitors the Soviet Union's capabitities. This was called to protect Western Europe from any more attacks.
  • Berlin Airlift begins

    Berlin Airlift begins
    The Berlin Airlift had occured as the Soviets were blockading the ways in and out of Berlin. In effort, the United States flew in all sorts of food, water, and medicine. They saved over 2 million lives by doing so.
  • Communist takeover in China

    Communist takeover in China
    The communism takeover in China was devestating. Military leaders taking over the country resulted in a CIvil War. With not mych support, the allies have to fight to get their government back.
  • End of Berlin Blockade

    End of Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade ended with a smash. Not one bullet fired and the United States managed to save thousands of lives inside the wall. The Soviet Union could not take anymore and then backed off.
  • Soviets explode A-bomb

    Soviets explode A-bomb
    The Soviets exploded the first A-bomb to test it's measures of the blast. Animals and buldings were placed all around to see how they react to the radiation.
  • Beginning of McCarthyism

    Beginning of McCarthyism
    The idea of McCarthysim is the practice of making legal accusations without any real evidence or reason. This system quickly turned down because it was never used for it's intensions, to get rid of communism.
  • Geneva Summit

    Geneva Summit
    Geneva Summit was the location of a very important meeting held by the world's strongest leaders. They discussed an idea of having world peace during a time of great war. International tensions were lowered as a result.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was created by the Soviet Union to take control over military forces in Central and Eastern Europe. The idea was to try and make peace during the Cold War.
  • Suez War

    Suez War
    The Suez War errupted between Egypt and Britian with France over diplomacy and their militaries. Trying to get the fighting to stop, the United States and Soviet Union try to convince Great Britian and France to leave.
  • Hungarian Uprising

    Hungarian Uprising
    The Hungarian Uprising was an act of bravery for the Soviets. They risked their lives to fix the government and died in the process. Totally sucessful, it was well worth it for future generations.
  • Launching of Sputnik

    Launching of Sputnik
    Lauching of Sputnik marked the day that an item had been launched into space. The Soviet Union was the first to do it, then later sent a dog to "try it out".
  • U.S. U-2 plane shot down

    U.S. U-2 plane shot down
    Spying over the Soviet Union, an American spy plane was shot down at over 70,000 feet high. Shocked that this drone was shot down from so far away, the Unided States hit the self-distruct button, hiding all the evidence.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were both executed because they were spies. Discussing the A-Bomb in Soviet Russia to outside nations had costed them their lives.