
WWII Timeline (Javondii Myers)

  • Violation Of Treaty

    On March 9, 1935, Hitler violates the Treaty Of Versailles. He decides to make a new air force. A couple of days leter he built his army from 100,000, to 550,000 troops. He breaks two of the rules of the treaty . "Treaty of Versailles." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 May 2014. Web. 20 May 2014.
  • Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact

    German and the Soviet Union decide to become allies and sign the Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact. In this agreement, Germany and the Soviet Union will not attack each other. Hitlers gives Stalin the Eastern Part of Poland and Baltic States. Rosenburg, Jennifer. "You Should Know About the 1939 Agreement Between Hitler and Stalin." 20th Century History. Web. 20 May 2014.
  • Great Britain & France

    Great Britain and France had enough of Hitler's plans. on Sept 1, Hitler invaded Poland. This caused anger between Great Britain and France. They decided to declare war on Germany for invading Poland. "Invasion of Poland, Fall 1939." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 10 June 2013. Web. 20 May 2014.
  • US & Pearl Harbor

    The US declares war on Japan and enters the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Over 2,400 people were killed due to the bombing on Hawaii. 8 battleships, 3 cruises, and 4 other ships were destroyed. It was a Japaneese sneak attack and it leads to the US entering the war. US Navy Museum. "Fact Sheet: Pearl Harbor." Fact Sheet: Pearl Harbor. Web. 20 May 2014.
  • Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    The US decideds that they need to get back at Japan for the Pearl Harbor Inccident. On August 6 Truman decides to Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasakin with the atomic bombs. "Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 20 May 2014. Web. 20 May 2014.