WWII Timeline

By tle12
  • Attack of Manchuria

    In 1931, the Japanese army invaded Manchuria, China's east province. They then went to set up a puppet government there.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht, also known as "NIght of Broken Glass," occured on November 1, 1938. An American described it as "Jewish shop windows by the hundreds were systematically smashed...The main streets of the city were a positive litter of shattered plate glass."
  • Alliance with Italy and Germany

    On May 22, 1939, Germany and Italy signed the Pact of Steel. This eventually led to Germany, Italy, and Japan signing the Tripartite Pact, which is known as the Axis Alliance.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Hitler surprise attacked Poalnd. This is also known as blitzkrieg.
  • Soviet Union invaded E. Poland

    Soviet Union invaded E. Poland
    Stalin sent Soviet troops to occupy the eastern half of Poland. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia got captured easily, however, Finland resisted.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    The Germans took control of the northern part of France. The southern part of France was left to a puppet government led by Petain.
  • Lend Lease Act

    Lend Lease Act
    The Lease Act allowed the U.S. President to lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country vital to the United States. In summer 1941, the U.S. Navy was escorting British ships carrying U.S. arms. Hitler ordered his submarines to snk any cargo ships.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Hitler stopped attacking Britain to focus on attacking eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. This allowed the Allies to learn that Hitler's advances could be blocked.
  • German Invasion of Soviet Union

  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    The Atlantic Charter was signed between Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. They met in secret on a battleship near Newfoundland.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Early morning of December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Within two hours of the attack, the Japanese had sunk and/or damaged 18 ships, 8 of which were battleships. This attack killed 2, 400 people and wounded 1,000.
  • Japanese Internent (in U.S.)

    President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 that forced all Jaoanese-Americans to evacuate the West Coast. This applied to everyone who was a Japanese, even if they were a U.S. citizen.
  • Battle of Midway

    In June 1942, a Japanese code was broken, revealing that over 150 Japanese ships were on their way to Midway. This gave the UNited States the advandtage they needed to take and turn the course of the war.
  • Allied Invasion of Italy

    Allied Invasion of Italy
    Italy was invaded by the Britiish army on Septermber 3, 1943. This ultimately led to the fall of Mussolini and his Facist Party.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was when the Allies invaded Western Europe to try and free it from Nazi Control. The American, British, and Canadian forces all landed on 5 beaches, which was a 50-mile stretch.
  • German Surrender

    German Surrender
    General Alfred Jodl, the German High Command, suurenders all of the German forces in both East and Western Europe. General Dwight Eisenhower demanded complete surrender of German forces.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    After the atom bomb was dropped in Hiroshima, it caused destruction all over the area. This day became known as "The Day of Fire."
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Nagasaki was bombed 3 days after Hiroshima was bombed. the bomb not only killed people right away, it also had long term affects as well, such as leukemia, lung damage, etc.
  • Japanese Surrender

    The Japanese surrendered to General Douglas MacArthur on September 2, 1945. the surrender took place on the U.S. battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    At the Nurmeburg Trials, there were 22 Nazi leaders who were charged for the war. They were charged for violating the laws of war and commiting "crimes against humanity," which was the murder of 11 million people.