WWII Project virgina orqueiz

  • japanese invasion of china

    Japan invaded China because it wanted to expand its territory and become a great power. Japan also needed the natural resources that China possessed. Because of its natural resources of iron and coal The Japanese invasion of China led to countless atrocities and innocent lives lost. The invasion also prompted several foreign nationals to return to their native countries. While the Japanese blockaded several ports, the invasion sparked the rise of the Chinese Resistance.
  • Germany's invasion of poland

    Germany invaded on the 1st September 1939 at 4:00 am using the Blitzkrieg (lightening war) technique. They then sent in troops in tanks and on foot to invade.By the 3rd, Britain and France announced that they were at war with Germany.
    adolf hitler after coming to power was to sign a nonaggression pact with Poland in January 1934.
    by the 20th, Poland had surrendered to Hitler
    Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • German blitzkrieg

    The Blitzkrieg caused massive loss of civilian lives, people with no homes left, people with no family, Millions of refugees leaving stricken areas, literally carrying everything they owned.
    The concept of Blitzkreig was to launch an attack deep into the enemy's defense using armor (tanks) to exploit a breakthrough and then bringing infantry in to expand the point of penetration
    The Russians shot them or worked them to death, freeing a small percentage 5 to 25 years after the wars end.
  • operation barbarossa

    germany invaded the soviet union. it was the largest military operation in history.
    hitler invaded ussr because he wanted to defeat communism happening in ussr, take over land in ussr and use the soviet people for slave labor.
  • pearl harbor

    japanese attaked pearl harbor
    nuetralie u.s pacific fleet natural resources rubber and oil
    completely destroyed america
  • wannasee conference

    meeting senior officials of nazi germany
    to discuss the " final solution to the jewish question in europe"
    wanted to exterminate evryone
  • operation gomorrah

    raised largest firestorm raised by the royal air force and u.s army air forces in ww2
    britain had suffered the deaths of 167 civillians and now the tables were going to turn
    hitler refused to visit burned-out-cities, as the ruins bespoke nothing but the end
  • d-day

    some 156,000 american, british and canadian forces landed on five beaches
    allied liberation of western europe from nazi germany's control
    begining of end of war
  • battle of iwo jima

    the american amphibious invasion of iwo jima during world war 2 stremmed for the need for a base near japanese coast. iwo defended by 23,000 japanese army and navy troops.
    desire for a place where b-29 bombers damage over japan could land . without returning all the way to marians.
    initials sucess with 5,900 dead and 17,400 wounded.
  • battle of okinawa

    allied forces invade the island of okinawa and engage the japanese in the bloodies and battle of the pacific war
    u.s. was getting closer and closer to japan in the regaining control of the advances in the pacific
  • ve day

    to mark the formal acceptance by allies of world war 2
    end of world war 2
    upon defeat of germany celebrations erupted throughout the world
  • operation thunderclap

    germans line up for attack murphy saved them by calling for help
  • Vj day

    allied nations celebrate
    japan had surrendered to allies after almost six years of war
    joy and celebrations all around the world.
  • dropping the atomic bombs

    the u.s with consent of the uk as laid down in the quebe agreement, dropped nuclear weapons on the japanese citiesof hiroshima and nagaski bombing killed 129,000
    remain using them
  • battle of the bulge

    adolf hitler attempted to split allied armies in northwest europe by means of a suprise blitzkrieg thrust through the ardennes
    german shortage
    suffered 100,000 casualities