300px ww2 iwo jima flag raising


  • Mao Zedong heads the Long March

    Mao Zedong heads the Long March
    The Long March was what led Mao Zedong to success in China. When Jieshi's army surrounded the Communist stronghold, they knew they faced defeat, so in a daring move the 100k Communist forces fled and began this 6,000 mile journey. The Communists always stayed just ahead ofJieshi's forces. After about a year, Mao and his 7,000 remaining survivors settled in caves in NW China, gaining many new followers.
  • Germany invades Poland; Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Germany invades Poland; Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
    When germany invaded Poland using their new Blitzkrieg method, Brtain and France decalred war. France fell fairly quickly, officially surrendering on 6/22/1940, after the Germans had invaded paris. The Germans tried to take out Britain, but were unsuccessful, with the British making German forces surrender at the Battle of Britain. The British played a vital part in the war, teaming up with the US and Soviet Union to launch attacks that led to the German's demise.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbpr

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbpr
    The Americans knew that a Jpaanese attack was coming (code breaking), but did not know when or where. This was the attack they knew was coming. On the morning of Dec 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked, and within 2 hours destroyed 19 ships, and by the end of this attacked killed 2,300 Americans and wounded 1,000. This attack happened because japanese naval strategist Isoroku Yamamoto thought that Hawaii was a "dagger pointed at japan's throat." FDR declared this day a "day that will live in infamy
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    On May 9, 1945, the Germans officially surrendered. They had lost many soldiers now becuase of Hitler's policy to not surrender. There were a few battles/events that led to the surrendering of the Germans, including the Battle of Britain, Battle of El Alamein, Battle of Stalingrad, D-Day, and lastly the Battle of the Bulge (germany's last offensive). All of these battles caused the death of many German soldiers, with the Germans surrendering in each of these battles.
  • Period: to

    Allies use atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The Americans had secretly devloped this in the Manhattan Project. When Truman warned the Japanese that they could expect a "rain of ruin from the air" if they didn't surrender, they did not reply. So, on August 6, the US dropped a bomb on Hiroshima (city of 350k, 150k died), then 3 days later on Nagasaki (270k people, 70k dead ). These attacks led to the surrender of the Japanese on Sep 2.
  • United Nations formed

    United Nations formed
    The UN is an international organization designed to encouage international cooperation. It is similar to the League of Nations. The term was first used between Roosevelt and CHurchill in 1942. The UN we know today was founded when the Charter of the United Nations was drafted at the UN Conference on Intl Organization, and was approved after being ratified by members on Oct 24, 1945. When it was formed its goals were to prevent war, reaffirm human rights, and establish equal rights for all.