ww2 timeline project_yost

By yost
  • the holocaust

    lasting form 1/30/33 to 5/8/45 the holocost is most well know as the mass murder of 6 million Jews but their were also just about every other race that wasnt german. This form of mass murder is called genocide. Hitler suposidly called it the final sloution.
  • Japan invades china

    Japan takes Beijing, starting the second Sino Japaniese war. the chinese leader chaing Kai shek retaliatets by attacking japanese troops in shanghai
  • Munich Conference

    was an agreement singed by Germany, France, Britan, and Italy. the agreement stated that germany was permited to annex part of czechoslovakia. this is seen as a form oa appeasment toward germany.
  • non- agression pact

    the day germany and the soviet union met to sing a pact stating that they would not attack one another. not suprizingly 2 years later on june 22 1941 germany attacked russia breaking the pact
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
  • blitzkrieg

    know as lightnig war. it is a wourld war 2 tactic used by the germans . when in use one would send alot of every thing they got to quickly attack your enemy.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
  • lend lease act

    alowed the US to supply britan with military supplies
  • operation barbarossas

    germany's invasion of russia. this invasion broke the non agression pact.
  • pearl harbor

    this event is wwhen the japanies bombed a us naval base in the pacific and brought the us in to ww2
  • wannsee confrence

    was a meeting were the nazis planned how they were going to kill the entier jewish population
  • battle of midway

    japanese planed to suprize attack a us naval base but the us knew so the us came up with a suprize attack of there own
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
  • D-Day

    the day the allies lanched a full scale invasion on main land europe in an effort to gain control of europe from germany.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
  • battle of okinawa

    battle for an iland for ues as an air base between japan and the us. this battle is known as the largest land/sea battle on the pacific front during ww2
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    known as victory in europe day. this is the day that germany formaly surenderd to the alies and disarmed.
  • the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki

    japan refuses to surender so we drop two of the biggst bombs the world had never seen that togeather killed over 180,000 people. affter this japan formaly surenderd
  • V-J Day

    the day that japan suenders and ww2 finaly comes to an end.
  • Period: to

    Warsaw Pact