WW2 Timeline

By Mr.Sass
  • Period: to


  • Invasion of Nanking

    Invasion of Nanking
    The invasion of Nanking was where the Japanese invaded Nanking, China, and it was a total massacre. An estimated 50,000 to 300,000 chinese were killed, and there were multiple cases of horrible acts done to the citizens as well. Many of the victims were unarmed and defenceless
  • Hitler invades Austria and Czechoslovakia

    Hitler invades Austria and Czechoslovakia
    Hitler started taking territory, such as Austria and Czechoslovakia, but the world did not intervene, fearing another world war, but instead tried to appease Hitler. Hitler signed an agreement saying he wouldn’t take any more land.
  • The Euthanasia Program

    The Euthanasia Program
    Hitler signed a document hidden away from the public. It was called the Euthanasia program. This document agreed to have children under five with an sort of disability be killed
    It later would be extended to teens and adults due to it's success.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Hitler decided to ignore the document that he signed and took over poland. This forced England and France to declare war.
  • Wartime Production

    Wartime Production
    Wartime production started in the late 30s, and was run by the Wartime production board, they collected food, scrap, metal, and etc.
  • Jewish Concentration camps and Auchwitz

    Jewish Concentration camps and Auchwitz
    Concentrstion camps were basically prisons with horrible living conditions, and were where nazis would keep jewish prisonersConcentration camp Auschwitz Was established for use. It was the largest concentration camp, and just about 1.1 Million jews died at this camp.
  • Nazis invade Russia

    Nazis invade Russia
    Hitler and his army decide to invade Russia for “living space”, but were incredibly unprepared. Many nazi soldiers died because of the cold and lack of supplies
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    1941, Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, killing more than 2,000 americans, 180 us aircrafts, and 18 Us naval vessels. this event is the beginning of the pacific theater.
  • America declares war on Japan

    America declares war on Japan
    The next day, America declared war against Japan for what they had done was unforgivable. Then, two days later, they declared war on Germany and Italy.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    President Roosevelt signed a document, and this document had internment camps for japanese created, because the U.S. was afraid of japanese espionage or attacks
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    The Japanese decided to invade the Philippines, and at that moment, a group of U.S soldiers were supplying themselves. The japanese captured many soldiers and filipinos and forced them on a death march for 5 - 12 days
    10,000 to 30,000 Americans and Filipinos died during this march.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    After Japan had been seemingly winning the war against America, the battle of midway turned that around. More than 5,000 Japanese died, 4 aircraft carriers sank, and 322 Planes were shot down.
  • The Manhatten project

    The Manhatten project
    The manhattan project was started on august 13, 1942. The project was devoted to studying and creating nuclear abilities and weapons. It was created after the U.S. government had been informed by scientists such as Albert Einstein about its dangerous capabilities
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    The battle of stalingrad was germany’s attempt to take over stalingrad in russia, but ultimately failed because of the harsh winter and lack of supplies.
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto uprising
    The warsaw ghetto resistance was a strong resistance from Jews against the Nazis as a last stand. This battle lasted about a month, until, unfortunately, the germans overpowered the jews.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was a day that frightened many soldiers. It had been the day that they were all preparing for. It was other wise known as Operation Overlord. This battle was the biggest land, sea, and air battle in history. In the end, allied forces one, and they were led by future president Eisenhower.
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima

    The Battle of Iwo Jima
    The battle of Iwo Jima was a big battle on a small island just off of japan. In the battle, 7,000 Americans died, while 200,000 japanese died.
  • The Battle of Okinawa

    The Battle of Okinawa
    The battle of Okinawa was the last large battle between America and Japan. In this huge battle, 19,000 Americans died, while another staggering 200,000 Japanese died.
  • Hitler's death

    Hitler's death
    Hitler was at the end of his road. After so many losses, he knew he had no chance of winning. He was in a corner. Hitler decided to take his own life, along with his wife right beside him. Hitler’s death date was april 30th, 1945.
  • Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima

    Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima
    The incredibly hard decision to launch a nuclear bomb at japan had been decided. With the idea to save lives, Harry S. Truman launched the Atomic bomb “Little boy” at Hiroshima. The bomb instantly killed 80,000 Japanese citizens, destroyed the city, and caused 120,000 more to die from infection and illnesses from radiation and wounds from the blast.
  • Nuclear bombing od Nagasaki

    Nuclear bombing od Nagasaki
    Japan still did not give up and surrender, even after the great losses from the battles, and losing an entire city due to the Nuclear bomb. The other nuclear bomb, named “Fat man” was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9th. The bomb killed 60,000 to 80,000 people.
  • Hirohito and Japan surrender

    Hirohito and Japan surrender
    After a long and tiring battle, the emperor of japan, Hirohito, had officially surrendered and ended World War 2. Hirohito even held a ceremony declaring Japan surrendering, but for year on, some still had never surrendered.