WW2 events

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Japan launched a surprise attack and siezed control of the Chinese province of Manchuria.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on Jan. 30, 1933.
  • The Munich Agreement

    The Munich Agreement
    The Munich Agreement was signed between Germany and France/Britain on Sep. 30, 1938 to give Germany the land of Sudetenland.
  • Germans invade Poland

    Germans invade Poland
    On Sep/1/1939 The German Luftwaffe began raining bombs on Poland Using the blitzkreig strategy.
  • Germans invade Norway

    Germans invade Norway
    Hitler launched a surprise invasion on Denmark and Norway in order to "protect their freedom and independence".
  • Germans invade France

    Germans invade France
    On Jun 22 1940 France surrendered to Germany.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany started bombing Britain on Jul 10 1940. They bambed military bases at first then they bombed civilians.
  • Germans invade Soviet Union

    Germans invade Soviet Union
    On Jun 22 1941 Germany broke their treaty with the Soviet Union and invaded them in operation Barbarossa.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    In less than 2 hours Japanese killed 2,403 Americans in their invasion of Pearl Harbor. The US then entered the war.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Battle of the Coral Sea
    The Americans and Australians were the main Allied forces in the pacific. In a five-day battle against the Japanese, the Allied forces stopped the Japanese drive toward Australia in the first stopped Japenese invasion since Pearl Harbor.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Americans broke the code that the Japanese used and got the advantage in beating them in the battle of Midway. This gave the Allies a huge advantage.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    This battle was the first Allied offensive and Japan's first defeat on land. It lasted 6 months and the Allied forces had 19,000 troops at the begining.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad lasted for weeks with the Germans attacking the city block by block.Eventualy winter set in and the Germans were easily defeated.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    An Allied invasion of Axis-controlled North Africa. The Allies won the battle and beat back the pwerful tank force of the Desert Fox.
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    The Battle of Kursk was an important battle between German and Soviet forces. When the Soviets won they crippled the German's Eastern Front forces.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    While fighting in Sicily, Italy realized that they don't stand much chance against the allies and later surrenders.
  • D-Day

    In the battle of D-Day Americans and British soldiers attacked Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword beach in the largest land-sea-air operation in army history. After a long bloody battle, the Allies pushed back the Germans and took a large step into winning the war.
  • Operation Market Garden

    Operation Market Garden
    To push farther toward Germany the Allied forces needed to get to the lower Rhine River and circle the German heartland. It was a failure for the Allied forces and ender their hope of winning the war earlier.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    A month long battle between 8 German tank divisions and the Allied forces. In the end the Germans could only retreat so they did and the Allies won the battle.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    In this battle 70,000 Allied marines and 20,700 Japanese soldiers fought in a bloody island battle. The Allies won the battle and gained an island close to the Japanese mainland.
  • Germany Surrenders (VE Day)

    Germany Surrenders (VE Day)
    VE Day is the celebrating of Germany's defeat.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    The Bombing of Hiroshima was the first time an atomic bomb was used in battle and it was used by the Allies against the Japanese. The Japanese surendered soon after the Allies dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki.
  • Japan Surrenders (VJ Day)

    Japan Surrenders (VJ Day)
    The surrender of Japan marking the and of the war.