World war 2 image


  • Japanese invasion of China

    waged between the republic of china and empire of japan
  • rape of nanking

    lasted for 6 weeks, it was a time of a mass murder and mass rape committed by imperial Japanese troops against Nanjing
  • Germanys invasion of poland

    Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    known as the lightning war and they had matured tanks and aircrafts to defeat their opponents
  • fall of paris

    the mobilizing for war and Nazi germany attacked Poland
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese fighter planes descended on the base. 2,400 Americans died.
  • opporation barbarossa

    the axis invasion of the soviet union
  • battle of stalingrad

    supported an allied victory during ww2
  • Bataan Death march

    it was a 63 mile march and there were 72,000 people were involved
  • battle of midway

    the victory of the air-sea battle
  • allied invasion of italy

    invasion on Italy it lasted for 3 months
  • warsaw ghetto uprising

    The ghetto were refusing to surrender tp the police commander
  • D-Day invasion

    there was an assault on Nazi it had occupied France
  • Liberation of confederaction camps

    Europe was against the Nazi Germany and tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners.
  • Battle of iwo jima

    a military campaign between the united states marine's and the imperial army of japan.
  • Battle of okinawa

    the united states marine and army forces go against the imperial Japanese army.
  • ve day

    great Britain and north America have a formal acceptance by the allies of ww2
  • dropping the attomic bombs

    the American b-29 bomber dropped the worlds first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima
  • vj day

    the victory over japan day. imperial japan surrendered in ww2
  • Battle of the bulge

    German campaign on the western front during ww2