WW2 Dates

  • Hitler rose to power

    Hitler rose to power
    Adolf Hitler's rise to power began in Germany in September 1919 when Hitler joined the political party known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
  • Japan Attacks China

    Japan Attacks China
    In 1931, the Japanese army launched attacks on Manchuria, quickly subduing it. Japan announced that it had annexed Manchuria and renamed it "Manchukuo."
  • Holocoust begins

    Holocoust begins
    The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire."
  • US Neutrality Acts

    US Neutrality Acts
    In 1935 and 1936, the United States Congress had passed Neutrality Acts to prohibit the U.S. from selling goods to countries at war. The acts were ostensibly to protect the U.S. from falling into another war like World War I. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the acts, although he did not like them because they prohibited the U.S. from helping allies in need.
  • The Start of WW2

    The Start of WW2
    World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war.
  • Paerl Harbor was bombed

    Paerl Harbor was bombed
    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941.
  • USA joined the war

    USA joined the war
    Although the war began with Nazi Germany's attack on Poland in September 1939, the United States did not enter the war until after the Japanese bombed the American fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.
  • The Big three meet

    The Big three meet
    for the first time, the leaders of the Grand Alliance met face-to-face to shape the future of the postwar world.
  • The end of WW2

    The end of WW2
    Resulted in an estimated 50 million to 85 million fatalities. These made World War II the deadliest conflict in human history.
  • Hideki Tojo was executed

    Hideki Tojo was executed
    He shot himself in the chest before American troops could arrest him, but missed his heart even though a doctor had helpfully marked the spot on his chest for him. He was hung for his crimes and cremated.