world war two timeline project_jacobsharf

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    The Holocaust

    Adolf Hitler grew to power in Germany, started the Nazi race and army, had a view of a perfect race of blue eyed blonde haired people , used the Jewish people as a scapegoat and told all Germany that Jewish people were responsible for all their problems. They captured all the Jews, put them into concentration camps and then killed all of them, either by gas chamber, or brutal punishments killing 100 thousand jews
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    japan invades china

    On JULY 7, 1937 a clash occurred between Chinese and Japanese troops near Peiping in North China. the japs came to take china and take its recources cuasing the u.s to began fighting in the pacific theater.
  • munich conference

    n late 1938 Europe. Adolf Hitler, the fascist dictator of Germany, had already annexed Austria the year before. and now wants to also take the Sudetenland region of Czechslovakia and make the territory a part of Germany. He claimed that the German speaking population were being mistreated by the Czech government.On 29 September 1938 the Munich Conference was called. Hitler met with representatives from France, UK and Italy. he agreed to not invade any where else.
  • Germany invades poland

    on september first 1939 germany invades poland. first gain to germanys teritory. they used blitzgreg tactics to take over the land. he used the sky to his advantage and bombed the railroads,communication lines, and munitions dumps, followed by a massive land invasion with overwhelming numbers of troops, tanks, and artillery.
  • germany uses blitzkrieg against poland

    Blitzkrieg means "lightning war". It was an innovative military technique first used by the Germans in World War Two and was a tactic based on speed and surprise. Blitzkrieg relied on a military force based around light tank supported by planes and infantry. hitlers tactics againsst poland, france, and also tryed on the british. a dominating factor thaat won germany a large portion of territory.
  • non agressional act

    On August 23, 1939, representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. By signing this pact, Germany had protected itself from having to fight a two-front war in the soon-to-begin World War II; the Soviet Union was awarded land, including parts of Poland and the Baltic States. The pact was broken when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union less than two years later. hitler
  • battle of britain

    German Air Force against the United Kingdom autumn of 1940.From July 1940 coastal shipping convoys and shipping centers were the main targets of the attacks. hitler used his airforces to attack england and its people randomly droping bombs on the city and killing sivions in the attemp great britain would surrender. but GB never dose and hitler moves on and wages war with soviet russia breaking the non aggression pand is the begining to the end of the fighting taken place in the european theater.
  • lend lease act

    Proposed in late 1940 and passed in March 1941, the Lend-Lease Act was the principal means for providing U.S. military aid to foreign nations during World War II. It authorized the president to transfer arms or any other defense materials for which Congress appropriated money to “the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.” a pact with Britain, China, the Soviet Union and suplys would be sent over to them over seas
  • operation Barbarossa

    On June 20, 1942, Adolf Hitler launched his great attact into the Soviet Union. He had amassed the greatest mechanized force yet, and had the best armored vehicles of the time. With blitzkreig tactics. germany ambushed western russia. the German Army split into 3 directions, mainly targeting moscow in the hopes of taking russian oil. germany forces fell retreated . battle of barbarossa was a let down for hitler and cost him almost all of his army. major turning point of the war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    on december 7 a surprise military strike was conducted on a u.s naval base peral harbor. Japanese fighter planes, bombers, and torpedo planes stormed the harbor , sinking 4 ships and damaging all 8. this act by the jappanesse directly corilated with the u.s involvment with ww2 and was the reson for the manhattan project. 159 aircraft damaged
    2,403 killed
    1,178 wounded. the ambush was a complete suprise
  • Wannsee Confrence

  • Bataan Death March

    The Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942, when the Japanese assembled about 78,000 prisoners. The 63-mile march began with 72,000* prisoners from the southern end of the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines. hungry and battered the prissioners were miss treated and fought to thier death. around 1000 died in the war efforts.
  • battle of midway

    the battle of mid way took place in the pacific theater. the u.s millitary was lead by douglas macarthur. and navy fleet lead by cheaster nimitz. nimitz brought his navy fleet into australlia and took on the battle stratagy island hooping. island hooping was a way of going from land to land and taking of sections of enemy forces on july 4 we won against the japs and successfully bombed thier navy. bring us closer to the end of the war and closer to thier surrender VJ day.
  • battle of stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad is considered by many historians to have been the turning point in World War Two in Europe. The Battle for Stalingrad was fought during the winter of 1942 to 1943. hitler and his army went full force into stalins land breaking the non aggression pact and declaring war on the soviets. germany used blitzkrieg takticks but fell far from victory. the german forces we not prepared for mother russias extreme winters. and made a retreat. this was the second time germany retreat
  • D-Day

    On June 6, 1944 the Allied Forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. With a huge force of over 150,000 soldiers, the Allies attacked and gained a victory that became the turning point for World War II in Europe.the Allies amassed troops and equipment in Britain. They also increased the number of air strikes and bombings in German territory.
  • battle of the bulge

    winter morning of 16 December 1944, over 200,000 German troops and nearly 1,000 tanks launched Adolf Hitler's last bid to reverse the ebb in his fortunes that had begun when Allied troops landed in France on D-day. Seeking to drive to the English Channel coast and split the Allied armies. after nights of fighting u.s sent in more solders and we took out the rest of hitlers troops.
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    battle of iwo jima

    The American amphibious invasion of Iwo Jima during World War II the need for a base near the Japanese coast. using the stratagy of island hopping u.s following elaborate preparatory air and naval bombardment, three U.S. marine divisions landed on the island in February 1945. Iwo Jima was defended by roughly 23,000 Japanese army and navy troops, who fought from an elaborate network of caves, dugouts.
  • V E Day

    V E Day marks the victory of britain over germany. on this day germanys forces collapsed and the allied powers won in the european theater against the axis powers.
  • The Bombing of Hiroshima / Nagasaki

    After the destruction of peral harbor the us began the manhatan project to Manufacturing and detination nuclear wepons. In early 1939 the world's German physicists had learned the secrets of splitting a uranium atom. German Scientists alberty einstin, who fled Nazi persecution to informed the president of the h bombs power if detinated. We created a fission bomb and fusion h bombs Little Boy, a gun-type weapon, an implosion-type weapon, were used in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and nagasak
  • warsaw pact

    warsaw pact was an allince between the axis powers. it was put in place after ww2 and befor the cold war.
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    battle of okinawa

    Fought in the spring of 1945, it was the biggest amphibious assault in that theater. The Battle of Okinawa, also known as Operation Iceberg, formed a part of the Pacific War during World War 2. The battle resulted in victory for the Allies, with huge casualties being inflicted on the Japanese army despite substantial losses for the Americans as well. This proved to be almost the last serious defense of Japanese territory before the end of the war in August.