By isy0219
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany bombed Great Britain to destroy all their air forces to prepare for invasion. Germans continued to bomb Britain for three and a half months and this battle was won by the Royal Air Force. The RAF protected and fought for Britain and eventually defeated the Nazis. Not only was the war entirely fought with air forces but
    the Battle of Britain marked the first to ever defeat Hitler's military forces.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese attacked the U.S Naval Base & depleted Pearl Harbor with their aircrafts killing more than 2,300 Americans, completely destroying the American battleships and leaving 1,000 people wounded. The next day the current President F.D.R declared war on Japan. Then Japan's allies Germany & Italy joined the war. Eventually, President Roosevelt issued an order that forced all Japanese Americans to leave their homes and be sent to live in detention camps in desolate parts of the US.
  • Doolittle Raid

    Doolittle Raid
    The United States Army Air Force's surprise attacks Tokyo, Japan, by an air raid with bombs during World War II. Though there was little damage with the raid it definitely made a statement. This was the very first air operation to strike the Japanese. This proved to the Japanese that their mainland was vulnerable to the U.S. Which was basically a comeback for Pearl Harbor. This terrified the Japanese because of the promises by the authorities that Japan's sky will be "clean" forever.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad was a horrid military campaign between Russian forces & Nazi Germany & the Axis powers during World War II. This battle is one of the largest, harshest war lasting five months. More than two thousand were killed, tens of thousands more captured and then forced into slave labor in camps in Germany. The battle at Stalingrad deprived the German army dry in Russia and after this defeat, the Germany Army was in full retreat. The Soviets had a great victory.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge was a battle in Europe during World War II.
    This battle would be Germany's last attempt to remove all of the Allies off of the mainland in Europe. Many troops in on the Allied side were American troops. With that being said the Battle of the Bulge put Germany Nazis in their place by defeating them as well as ending the war in Europe faster.