Battle of okinawa


  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    Also known as Kristallnacht, November pogroms, Crystal Night and Night of Crystal. Night of Broken Glass is about the night where the German Natzis attacked Jewish people and their property. Kristallnacht is called that because it means the litter of the broken glass left on the streets after the attacks
  • Beginning of WW2

    Beginning of WW2
    Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany and started World War 2. It was said that Hitler never intended to start WW2 but the main goal was to provide living space for the German people.
  • Opening of Auschwitz concentration camp

    Opening of Auschwitz concentration camp
    The Allied powers came across the largest killing center and concentration camp filled with prisoners. The Nazis brought the prisoners away and deep into Germany. The Germans transported them in many ways, by train, some were forced to walk miles. It became death marches because many couldnt survive the walk. Tens and thousands of people died from hunger and the cold. some even got shot for walking too slow
  • Bombing of Pearl Habour

    Bombing of Pearl Habour
    The U.S was suddenly attacked by the naval and air force of the Empire of Japan. The attack was on the navel base at Pearl Habour on Oahu Island in Hawaii. The participants were Japan and United States. In April 1940, the US Pacific Fleet were already stationed at Pearl Habour. 3 U.S ships never returned to service. USS Arionza, USS Oklahoma battleship and the USS Utah target ship. USS Western Virginia was the only ship attacked at Pearl Habour where Japan surrendered in 2 September 1945
  • The fall of Singapore

    The fall of Singapore
    Also known as Battle of Singapore, In 1942 The Japanese empire Army invaded Singapore.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    The Allied armies stopped the concentrations camps. The Stutthof concentration camp was liberated. Many of the prisoners were too weak already to survive after the liberation. It was said that more then 70,000 prisoners were still left in Jan 1945
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Adolf Hitler commited suicide in his underground bunker in Berlin, Germany along with his wife Eva Braun. They are said that both of them had swallowed cyanide pills and Adolf Hitler shot himself in the head for extra. Their ramains were burnt in Reich Chancellery garden outside the bunker.
  • WW2 ended

    WW2 ended
    WW2 in Europe ended by the Germans surrendering. The Germans surrendered to the Allied Powers. When this information was spread crowds would gather and celebrate on the streets. later on the US president Harry S. Truman announced that Japan has also surrendered and that WW2 had ended. The formal surrender documents were signed on 2 of September of 1945 marking it as the official Victory over Japan day.
  • Use of the Atomic Bomb

    Use of the Atomic Bomb
    A atomic bomb was dropped into Hiroshima a city of Japan. three days later another bomb was dropped in Nagasaki killing approximately 40,000 people. Many American, Japanese and English people was said that the bomb was dropped hoping to make Japan's surrender come quicker
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    naA series of trails held in Nuremberg, Germany. The former Nazi leaders were charged as war criminals. Judges from the Allied Powers had a meeting with the former Nazi Leaders. 37 defendents were sentenced to death