WW11 Sec 4-5

  • Meeting between Churchill and Roosevelt

    Met at Whitehouse to develop a joint-war policy. This is where they decided to open a second front to help Stalin and be allies.
  • Internment of Japanese

    Roosevelt issued an executive order of the internment of all Japanese Americans because they were considered a threat and were shipped to relocation camps. These locations were intended to prevent the "aliens" from assisting Japanese invasions. 2/3 of the Interned were nisei (born in America).
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Stalingrad

    General Friedrich was sent to capture Stalingrad which was a major industrial center. The Luftwaffe went on nightly bombing raids. Early November the Germans controlled 90% of Stalingrad. There was a cold winter and the German troops surrendered in February. 1,000,000 dead Russian troops. Only 90,000 German troops out of 300,000 left. 99% of Stalingrad was destroyed. The Germans were now being pushed back by the Soviets.
  • Period: to

    Battle of El Alamein

    The Germans advanced on the Egyptian city of El Alamein and the Germans were defending it. General Montgomery defeated Rommel's army. Rommel retreated
  • The Fall of the Afrika Korps

    Allies launched Operation torch and 100,000 allied forces landed in Morocco and Algeria and they were led by General Eisenhower and defeated Rommel's Africa Korps
  • Period: to

    Invasion of Italy

    Allies captured Sicily which then toppled Mussolini for power. In July, King Victor Emmanuel III had him arrested. September 3rd Italy surrendered. Germans seized control of Northern Italy and put Mussolini back in charge and they retreated northwards. The allies entered Rome 1945.
  • Period: to

    D- Day Invasion

    British, American, French and Canadian troops fought there way onto a sixty-mile stretcher beach. They were fighting germans with machine guns, rocket launchers, cannons and they had huge walls. 2,700 American troops died that day. 1,000,000 more troops landed within a month. The allies were able to punch a hole in german defenses.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    German tanks broke through weak American defensives and they pushed into Allied lines. The Allies were eventually able to push the Germans back, and they had to retreat.
  • Iwo Jima

    American marines took Iwo Jima, an island 760 miles from Tokyo.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Okinawa

    U.S troops moved onto the island. 350 miles from Southern Japan. One of the bloodiest land battles of the war. Japanese lost over 100,000. Americans lost 12,000.
  • V-E day/ Germans surrender

    Hitler committed suicide then the Third Reich surrendered to General Eisenhower. Then People celebrated. The war in Europe was over after 6 years of fighting. May 9th was official surrender by Berlin.
  • Hiroshima

    U.S dropped a bomb on Hiroshima and 70,000-80,000 people died.
  • Nagasaki

    70,000 people died from the bomb explosion and more from radiation.
  • Japanese Surrender

    Ceremony aboard U.S battleship Missouri. In Tokyo Bay and ended the war.