world war two timeline

By amasson
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    Battle of The Atlantic

    German U-boats were sinking unprotected U.S. and other Allies ships. So Allies started using convoys and sonar systems to protect there ships and detect German U-Boats. The Allies had won
  • Pearl harbor

    The Japan army launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japan viewed this as a victory after it was over. 24,00 American civilions and military lost there lives.
  • U.S. declared war on Japan

  • Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S.

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    Battle Of Midway

    U.S. launched surprise attacks on Japan on a pacific island called The Midway and were successful.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Germans violated there nonaggression pact that they had with the soviet union and attacked. The Soviet Union lost over1 million pepole however still beat Germany due to Hitlers poor descions. This was a turning point in world war 2.
  • Normandy invasion (D-day)

    150,000 allied troops invaded in the largest land-sea-air operation in history.
  • France freed from nazi control.

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    Battle of the bulge

    Germans broke through American lines durring a battle in Belgium. A verry deadly battle 120,000 Germans died and 80,000 Americans died so America won.
  • Yalta Confrence

    In Yalta in the soviet union Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met to discuss post world war 2 and set up the united nations agreement.
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    Iwo Jima

    Island in the pacific that was critical for the U.S. win.
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    Battle Of Okinawa

    Japans last defensive stronghold. They used 1,900 Kamikaze attacks yet still lost to America.
  • Franklin D.Rosevelt Dies

    The U.S. went through a major griving period after his deah and Vice President Harry S. Truman took on the role of president
  • The End Of Hitler

    Adolf Hitler and his wife commit suicide.
  • V-E Day

    General Eisenhower accepted a surrender leading to the end of the first part of the war. V-E stands for Victory In Europe day
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    Truman ,Churchill, Clement Atlee and Stalin met to create a blueprint on how to disarm Germany and end the Nazi regime by dividing Germany up into 4 sections, set up Nuremburg trails to kill Nazi leaders and forcing Japan to uncunditonally surrender
  • Japan offers unconditonal surrender

  • V-J Day

    Victory in Japan day (Formal surrender)
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    Nuremberg Trails

    International tribunal courts tried Nazi officials. 12 of the 22 were sentenced to death well 200 other officials got lesser sentences.
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    U.S. Ocupation of Japan

    Trials were held for Japan where 7 out of 28 leaders were found guilty and sentenced to death. U.S. occupied Japan for 6 years under the directon of General Douglas MacArthur