World war 2

World War II Timeline

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese launched a suprise attack on the US. Coming to one of our largest ports and sinking and damaging all of the US's ships. The attack resulted in many American soldiers. This was one of the major causes of US involvement in WWII.
  • US Decalres War

    US Decalres War
    After the horrendous attack at Pearl Harbor, the United States was shocked and sent into a frenzy. After much debate, FDR decided to officially announced war against Japan. This happened the day after the attack at Pearl Harbor.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This was considered to be the turning point in the war for the United States. This was the beginning of the victories over Japan for the U.S. The U.S. intercepted Japanese mesages and were prepared for the Japnaese "suprise" attack. The U.S. sunk a few of the Japanese carriers which crippled the Japanese military. From that point on in the war the Japanese could not keep up with American manufacturing. Their ships were sinking faster than they could build them.
  • Stalingrad

    The Germans began to drop bombs on the Soviets. The Soviets then began to cut off the German's supplies. And many of the Germans froze and straved to death. The Soviets held Stalingrad and eventually defeated the Germans. This battle was known to be one of the bloodiest battle during WWII.
  • D-Day

    The Allies came up and fought on Normandy's beaches. Some troops had been positioned before the battle began behind enemy lines. More than 5,000 Allie ships 13,000 Allie aircrafts were readied on that day. Where some areas fell quicker than others, eventually the Allies prevailed.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Battle of the Bulge was a key turning point in the war in Europe. It became Hitler's last offensive attack in the war. Many english speaking Germans were sent behind enemy lines taking the U.S. by suprise. The attack was launched on a day with terrible fighting conditions, keeping American pilots from the sky. After three weeks of fighting, and many civillian and soldier casualties, the Allies prevailed, and crippled the German army. This was one of the greatest of the victories during WWII.
  • FDR's Death

    FDR's Death
    Before the end of the war, America's beloved President of four terms, Franklin D. Roosevelt died. He left the office to Harry Truman.
  • Mussolini's Death

    Mussolini's Death
    Mussolini tried to run away when he found that he had been defeated. He was shortly captured and was executed by the unhappy Partisan Italians. His family was also killed with him. They were hung by their feet and beat to the death.
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    As Germany fell more and more behind in the war, Hitler continued to push his men to fight to the end. Things for Germany became to look more and more grim. Because of that Hitler decided that he would rather take his own life. He killed himself by shooting himself in the head.
  • V.E. Day

    V.E. Day
    This was a day that was greatly celebrated as the day that the victory in Europe was official. There was great celebration in the US and in some places in Europe. Men and women paraded down the streets, and newspapers spread word of the great victory.