World War II & Cold War

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    This invasion was led and started by the Japanese. The invasion was towards China and Indochina. This is important to US History because the US response towards this was to limit trade with the country.
  • Munich Pact

    Britain and France allowed Hitler to acquire more land, but he couldn't ask for more in exchange. 6 months later, Hitler was trying to take over more land which broke the pact. This event is important to US History because it differed the trust between the nations and also gave Germany Czech.
  • Kristallnacht

    "Night of broken glass" German Nazis killed almost 100 Jews by burning schools, businesses, and homes.
  • Neutrality Acts

    The Neutrality Acts were put in place for America to remain isolated from the rest of the countries. The main objective of this was to not interfere with any countries that could potentially cause a war. The reason why this is important to US History is that it prohibited the sale of any firearm.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    This invasion was led by Germany towards France and Britain. This caused them to declare war. Germany would use the "blitzkrieg" strategy. It is important to US History because it introduced a new and quicker fighting method.
  • The Lend Lease Act

    Congress permitted FDR to lease, sell, trade and in other words, take care of government issues. This is important to US History because it was an underlying cause as to why America went from isolationism to international involvement.
  • Executive Order 8802

    The leader of an African American labor union, Randolph, threatened to lead a march on Washington. This was because they wanted an equal opportunity to access wartime jobs. FDR responded by issuing out an executive order, which made it illegal to discriminate against races. This is important to US History because it shows how hard African Americans had it, even though showing discrimination was illegal people still didn't hire black people.
  • The Atlantic Conference & Atlantic Charter

    The conference was an alliance with the US and Great Britain. The leader of Britain, Winston Churchill, and the president of the US, FDR, strengthened their relationship through this document. This is important to US History because it established the United Nations. Churchill and FDR signed the Atlantic Charter to make a statement of the alliance between Britain and the US. It promoted an international system of general security.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    This was an unknown attack from the Japanese towards the US. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor which was a naval base. This was a response to the US embargos and the Japanese feared that the US's growing fleet would threaten their empire. This is important to US History because this is was got America and Japan involved in the second World War.
  • Executive Order 9066

    FDR made this executive order to reduce the number of immigrants coming in at the time. During this, it was after the wars and The Great Depression. We were at war with Japan and this order was directed to Japanese immigrants specifically. This is important to US History because it put a stamp on the Japanese, basically imprisoning them as soon as they entered the country.
  • Executive Order 9066

    This executive order made by FDR was a way to control the immigrants and an attmept to basically alienate Japanese immigrants. One of the main causes of this was the wars. After Japan dropped a bomb on Pearl Harbor, any Japanese descent or full Japanese person would automatically go into captiviy basically. This is important to US History because it shows just how much our nation would go through to keep away the "unwanted"
  • Battle of Midway

    The US strategy island hopping. The goal was to get close enough to the Japanese home islands to prep for the invasion launching air attacks. The victory at Midway stopped Japan and put them on the defensive.
  • Operation Torch

    This was an operation to allow the Mediterranean Sea to be freed from German ruling. The raid was in North Africa and was also used to protect the oil in the Middle East. This is important to US History because this allowed the USSR to regain strength and also break down Germany's passages.
  • D-Day Invasion

    The invasion provided a long-awaited western front which Germany engaged in 3. Resources had to divert into a western front: Soviet Union, Italy, & France.
  • Battle of Bulge

    The battle became the beginning and end of the Nazis. Germany last offense. As Britain, America, & France heads towards Berlin from the west & the Soviets from the east. As they all met at Berlin to end it, Hitler committed suicide as they neared. Hitler saw failure behind his doing.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    Korematsu was a Japanese-American, he was one of the many who were told to follow the executive order (9066). However, he didn't want to and refused because it went against his civil rights. This was brought to the Supreme Court, but he lost. This is important to US History because this was like many incidents before, where the US discriminated against a certain race and took away their natural-born rights.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference was made around FDR, Stalin, and Churchill. It was a group that planned out the "post-war" plans and which countries owed what debt. This is important to US History because it put an end to the world wars and it was an overall defeat of Europe.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagaski

    President Truman decided to drop an atomic bomb on both Hiroshima & Nagaski to prevent fighting on the Japan home islands. No invasion encountered after the bombs were dropped and Japan surrendered.
  • United Nations is created

    The United Nations was created in order to maintain international order. The U.S. played a key role in creating the United Nations. the idea originally was proposed by Woodrow Wilson, based in the League of Nations.
  • Nuremberg Trial

    12 Nazis convicts sentenced to death for "following orders". The Nuremberg Trial established the precedent, meaning that individuals are responsible for themselves and their actions. However, this did not end genocide around the world.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine swore to contain communism in Europe and the U.S. was first applied when they supplied military and financial aid to Greece & Turkey to resist communist rebel forces.
  • The Marshall Plan

    To prevent the fall from European countries to communism the U.S. offered financial aid (Marshall Plan) to promote economic rebuilding. This took place in fear that a war-torn and economically weak Western Europe would elect socialists/communist governments.
  • Israel is established

    The U.S. supported the self-determination of the Jews creating the Jewish state of Israel. The U.S. had recognized & supported Israel.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The people of Berlin received food, water, and supplies via air drop by the US.
  • US establishes NATO

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization also known as NATO, a military alliance which was an establishment aimed at the Soviet Union. Soviet retaliated by establishing an alliance, the Warsaw Pact of Eastern European nations.
  • Rise of the Berlin Wall

    After World War II Germany divided into East (Soviet) and West (Allies). Berlin was divided which was also in East German. Soviets controlled East and West controlled by Britain, America, & France. Eventually the city was divided by the wall.