World War II

By Rywally
  • Hitler invaded Poland

    Hitler wanted to regain lost territory and rule Poland. This started WWII.
  • France Fell

    The defeat of the Allied forces left Britain alone.
  • US implements the draft

    The first draft in US history required all man between 21 and 45 to register for the draft.
  • Japane Attacked Pearl Harbor

    Badly damaged the US Pacific fleet and caused thousands of casualties.
  • Revenue Act of 1942

    Increased the number of people who paid income taxes. Wealth was redistributed.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Stalingrad

    Marked the end of Germany advancing into Eastern Europe and Russia. It was the first major German loss.
  • D-Day

    The Allied forces invaded Normandy with 150,000 soldiers, which was the turning point for WWII.
  • US drops bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    These atomic bombs were intended to cause Japan to surrender to the Allied forces, which brought about the end to WWII.
  • Roosevelt Died

    Left Truman to go 8nto office. He had no knowledge on the Manhattan project, which produced the first nuclear weapons.
  • Japanese Surrender

    Brought WWII to a close and cause the Imperial Japanese to be incapable of conducting major operations.