World War II

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    This event was an invasion of Poland by Germany and the soviet union. The german bombed the polish airfields. Hilter claimed that the invason was a defense action but britain and france didnt belive him. This later would be conisderied an event that started WWII
  • Huge Invasion- Occuring over a few weeks

    Huge Invasion- Occuring over a few weeks
    At this point Hilter and the nazis have gained alot of power throughout europe by invading france, holland, denmark, leuxumburg, norway, belgium.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    Also known as battle of France, was the succesfull invasion of France and the low countires. The battle consisted of two main operations. The first Fall Gleb (Case Yellow) and when france was left for itself , Fall Rot (Case Red).
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This event was a suprise military attack conduscted by the imperial japenese navy against the United States at Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii. The event was acted as a prevented act, in order to keep the US fleet from inferring with militay actions.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This was the most important naval battle of the pacific campaign of WWII. Japans fleet commander moved on midway in an effort to draw out and destroy the US. pacific fleet air carrier striking forces.
  • Stalingrad

    The battle of Stalingrad was a major turning point in WWII. In it the Nazis fought the Soviet Army, for controll of Stalingrad, in Southwestern Soviet Union. It marked as one of the bloodiest battles in all of history.
  • Fall of Berlin

    Fall of Berlin
    This event designated the berlin strategetic offense operation by the soviet union it was the last major offense of WWII. This event marked the end of WWII.
  • Iwo Jima

    or "Opperation attachment" was a major battle in which the united states armed forces fought for and captured the island of iwo jima, from the japenese empire. The American invasion had the goal of capturing the whole island including its three airfields
  • Hilter commits suiside

    Hilter commits suiside
    Hitler commited suiside by gunshot on 30 April 1945 in his furerbunker in Berlin. His wife comminted suiside with him by ingesting cyanide.
  • Manhatten Project

    Manhatten Project
    This was a research and development project that produced the first atomic bombs during WWII. It was led by the united states with the help of Canada and the United Kingdom. The United States perfected the bomb on august 1st 1945 testing it out of Japan, with the bombing of Hiroshima.