world war 2 Lexie Hughes

  • Period: to


  • Rape of Kanking

    Rape of Kanking
    The rape of kanking was a mass rape by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing. Soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army murdered about 40,000 to over 300,000 Chinese people and unarmed combat
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    Blitzkrieg is the german word for lightning warfare. Germany used tatics like tanks, planes, and artillery. They would put tanks in long rows and rapidly fired on the enimies. The blitzkreig was Germany against poland in 1939 and a lot of others years after that. The only one they couldnt defeat was Great Britain.
  • Fall of paris

    Fall of paris
    Paris falls to the germans. When the germans took over, they gave the people of Paris a cerfew of 8pm. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill told his people not to worry becasue he thought the U.S. would come help them. The U.S. would not help them because they didnt want to look like a threat to germany. Soon after germans brought tanks into paris. Two million people had already left the country by then. Canada came to paris's rescue.
  • Pearl harbor

    Pearl harbor
    Pearl harbor is the reason the U.S. got into world war 2. When hundreds of japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. The attack killed 2,403 and wounded over 1,000. President Franklin Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan. Congress accepted the declaration and then 3 days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.
  • Wannsse conference

  • warsaw ghetto uprising

  • d-day

  • Battle of the bulge

  • Battle of iwo jima

  • VE day

  • Dropping of attomic bombs

  • vj day

  • Liberation of concentration camps

  • battle of okinawa

  • potsdam declaration