World War 2 Jake Woodall

  • the Holocaust

    Started by the Nazis. it was the termination of jewish people. some were also forced on to concentration camps.
  • Japan invades china

    Started when china began full scale resistance. It was in an effort to change the government. Japan was defeated.
  • Munich conference

    It was a conference held in Munich. Leaders agreed to let Germany annex parts of czechoslovakia. Sudetenland was coined.
  • Non-agression pact

    Pact between Germany and the soviet union to not fight. Ended at the beginning of WW2. It was signed by Stalin and Hitler.
  • germany invades poland

    German forces attacked poland from the land and the air. The invasion demonstrated Hitler's "Blitzkrieg" strategy. The polish tried to defend themselves from the Germans but they were extremely underequipped.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Strategy created by Hitler. Germans used this style a lot. It was based on fast warfare.
  • battle of britain

    first major battle to be fought entirely by air forces. most sustained and largest aerial bombing to that date.
  • lend-lease act

    An act to promote the defense of the united states. US supplied some allies with supplies. The aid was completly free.
  • operation barbarossa

    Code name for Germany's invasion of Russia. Largest invasion in the history of warfare. The invasion was authorized by Hitler.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Bombing of a US naval base in Hawaii. They were attacked by the japanese. It increased tensions that led to the use of nuclear weapons.
  • Bataan death march

    A forced transfer of US and other prisoners. They were forced by the Japanese. American prisoners died before they could reach their destination.
  • battle of midway

    It was a crucial naval battle in WW2. The us defeated an attacking Japanese fleet. Japans first naval defeat since 1863.
  • Battle of stalingrad

    Nazi germany and it's allies fought the soviet union to control Stalingrad. Marked by close quarters combat..
  • D day

    The invasion of Normandy beach. the cost in lives was tremendous. It made Hitler's defeat possible.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Major german offensive campaign in Belgium to recapture the harbor of antwerp.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle in which the us captured the island iwo jima from the Japanese. One of the fiercest and bloodiest battles in the pacific. This battle lasted 5 weeks.
  • battle of okinawa

    Also known as operation iceburg. Largest amphibious assault in the pacific in WW2. It lasted 82 days.
  • VE day

    Commonly referred to victory in Europe day. This was the day WW2 officially ended in Europe. It also marked Germany's unconditional surrender of it's armed forces.
  • The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    It was the first time Nuclear weapons were used on people. Many civillians died. It devastated both of the islands.
  • VJ day

    The day Japan surrendered from WW2. It sparked spontaneous celebrations. A formal surrender ceremony was held in tokyo bay.
  • warsaw pact

    It's a collective defense treaty between European countries. It was created during the cold war. It was created due to a military reaction.