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world war 2 important events and battles

  • Period: to

    World War 2 era

    ww2 era
  • berlin

    lasted until the second of may in 1945, this is the battle where hitler and other high ranking nazi officials commited suicide.
  • invasion of poland

    invasion of poland
    this lasted through the 6th of october. the invasion of poland marked the beginning of the world war and wasenacted by germany.
  • atlantic

    lasted 5 years 8 months and 5 days. the atlantic battle was the longest continuous military campaign in World War II.
  • britan

    lasted intil 31st october 1940. ththe objective of this campaign was to gain superiority over the royal air force.
  • operation barbarossa

    operation barbarossa
    this battle lasted until december. in this operation over 4 million soldiers of the axis powers invaded the ussr along 2900 kilometers the largest invasion in history of warfare.
  • leningrad

    this seige lasted until the 27th of january 1944. this seige was the most costly in terms of casualties in world war II
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    this attack lasted 1 day. this was a suprise military strike by the japanese on the united states navy base. this battle brought the U.S. into the war.
  • midway

    this lasted 3 days, the battle of midway was the most important battle of the pacific campaign the us defeated the imperial japanese navy.
  • El Almein

    El Almein
    this battle lasted until the 27th and occured in egypt at a place named after the railroad stop there
  • guadal canal campaign

    guadal canal campaign
    lasted until febuary 9th 1943, this was the first major offensive of the allied forces against the empire of japan
  • stalingrad

    this battle lasted until febuary 2nd 1943. this battle was a descisive soviet victory and they effectively took control of stalingrad
  • milne bay

    milne bay
    this battle lasted until the 7th of september, the japanese attacked the allied airfields at milne bay but they miscalculated the size of the garrisons and it was the first victory over the japanese on land
  • El Alemein the second

    El Alemein the second
    this battle lasted until 11th of november. it occured near the egyptian costal city victory marked a turning point during the western desert campaign.
  • operation torch

    operation torch
    this battle lasted 2 days. this was the british-american invasion of french north africa in wwII they did this to control the mediteranean sea before the invasion
  • kursk

    it ended on august 23rd 1943 the battle was was the final strategic offensive the germans were able to mount in the east
  • normandy

    this battle included d-day and lasted until august 25th. this was the largest amphibious invasion to ever take place in history
  • philippine sea

    philippine sea
    this battle lasted 2 days and was a descisive american victory. this battle eliminated the ability of the imperial japanese navy to conduct large scale carrier actions
  • leyte gulf

    leyte gulf
    lasted 3 days, this was the largest naval battle in world war II.
  • bulge

    lasted until the 25 of january 1945. this battle was a great german offensive launched in the ardennes mountain region
  • iwo jima

    iwo jima
    this battle lasted until 26th march 1945 the american forces captured the entire island of iwo jima
  • okinawa

    this battle lasted until june 21st.the allies planned to use okinawa as a base for air operations.
  • day of japanese surrender

    day of japanese surrender
    this great day marked the end of the war with the japanese and was a great relief