world war 2 week 6

  • Lend-lease Program

    -franklin Roosevelt introduced the lend lease program to congress.It was intended to help britain beat back Hittlers advance while keeping America only indirect involved in ww2 Lend-lease program provided for military did to army country whose defense was vital to the security of the united states.
    Lend-lease program was the principal way to get out of the Great Depression.
  • rosie the riveter

    -1945 nearly one out of every four married women worked outside the home 'Rosie' the Riveter,star of a government campaign arrived at recruting female workers for the munitions industry,became perhaps the most iconic image of working women during the war.
  • Executive Order 9066

    presidental executive order signed & issued during WW2,by FDR authorizing the secretary of war to describe certain areas as millitary zones,clearing the way for the deportation .
    -the attack on pearl Harbor in dec,7 1941 led to suspicions largely
    -Japanese ancestry was classifide as "Enemy Alieis"
    -curfew were instituted and assets were frozen 120,000 jap were informed that the government forcibly remove them from thier communities to relocation centers.
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    Island hopping

    Island happing was effecting the tide in favor of the allied powers b/c they kept pushing Japanese faces out of the islands,through the offensive against the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Archipelago which had marked the beginning of Island Hopping fought between August 1942 & Febuary 1943,eventually succed in forcing Japan relinguish the island .
  • Douglas MacAuthor

    -American five star general and field Marshall of the phillipean army.
    -Mcathour was chief of staff during ww2.
    -had the army in "island hopping in the south west paific campaign
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    George C.Marshall

    throughout the war,general George C. Marshall (1880-1959) acted as chief of staff and the organizer of victory".he worked close with president Roosevelt to urge military preruredness before pearl harbor,built up and supplied an army of 8 million men ,and later helped the other see the creation of the first atomic bomb.
  • D -day

    effedcted the war tide for the Allies positively b/c the battle foreshadowed the end of ttitlers dream of Nazi domination.D day was the largest air,land,and sea operaton undertaken the landing included over 5,000 ships, 11,000 airplanes,and over 150,000 servise men.By the end the Allies had reached the seine River,Paris was underrated and the Germans had been removed from Northwestern France,effectively concluding the Battle of Normandy.
  • volunteerism in ww2 (red cross)

    began blood donor service in America to produce life saving plasma for the Armed forces,served in hospitals,produced emergency supplies,collected scrap,ran victory gardens,& maintained training programs.
    -overseas-Because the chief provides of relief supplies in Europe,served as field directors provided support for troops
  • Pearl harbor

    -japanese planes attacked the united states naval base of pearl Harbor
  • Omar Bradley

    -was a senior officer of the U.S army
    -he was in servies in North America and western Eroupe during ww2.
    -he then became General of the first American army to land in france
  • war bonds 1941

    -way o remove money from ecation as well as reduce information
    -people would buy bonds & the gov promised to them with arrest after 10 years or more
    -gov needs the money to pay for the equpment
  • rationing 1940

    -Rationing is the controlled distribution of scace resource & goods.
    -Rationing items were gasoline,tiers,meat,butter & jellies.
    -people had to use 'Rationing goods' which were issued to each family based on its size.
  • Higgins boat

    Higgins boat was a landing craft used extensively in amphibious landing in world war 2. the craft was designed by Andrew Higgins based on boats made for operating in swamps and marshes.
  • Nuclear higgins 1945

    In july 16,1945 president harry truman decided to use the Atomic bomb agaimst japan .after bombs were dropped on Hirashema and Nagosaki in August 1945,japan surrendered world war 2,in which over 70 million people died when it was over .
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    Code talkers

    Navajo code talkers developed and memorized a special code their actions proved critical in several important campaigns also saved thousands of Americans and allies lives,also kept the code talk they would speak and never changed it .
  • the US & European countries 1945

    -in the U.S the war happened after the great depression 30% unemployment was cut down to less than 5% after the employment boost due to the war.the European countries were left to rebuild,the us lended money to the countries,and Germany was the only country to fully pay it back in 1990.
  • Isoroku Yamaoto

    Japanese marshel Admiral and commander in chief of the combined flect played avital role(executed the suprise attack) in pearl Harbor which made japan vielonis
  • chester W Nimit 2

    -was leading the U.S navy authority on submarines,the us army last surviving officer who ranked as a fleet admitral.
    -arrival Chester was oppointed commander in chief of the U.S pacific fleet just after pearl Harbor the commanded U.S forces at the battle midway .
    -this battle hatted the japanese advance in the pacific
  • Erwin rommel 1942

    -Field Marshal erwin rommel was one of Germans worst popular openerals during ww2 .on D-day he disscussed with other officers about surrrounding .due to his ties to the plot to over throw Hittler,he was murdered
  • Bernard montgomery

    -Senior British Army officer in the African & European who (theoter
    -commanded the British 8th Army &21st Army during the European campaige
    -was over all British Trapes or june 6,1944 "D-Day"
  • benito Mussolini-italy

    -fascism was an authoritarian political movement that developed in italy and other europeans countries after 1919.
    -fascist program emphasized intense nationalism,productivism,anti socialism,elitism and the need for a strong leader mussolini.
  • Bataan death march

    -the bataan death march happened after the U.S surrender of the bataan peninsula it affected the war tide in favor of the axis powers,because approximately 75,000 fillipino and American troops on Bataan
  • potsdam conference

    -participants were the ussr the us and the uk
    -the powers were respresented by cummunist party joseph stalin,prime minister winston churchill,and president Harry truman.
    -Gathered to decied how to punish Germany.
    -on july 25 truman churchill chiang kia issued the position declearion which outlined which outlined the terms of surrender of jap
    -broke Germany into 3 diffrent parts
  • Advance Technology in ww2

    -Torpedoes were used to destroy to destroy submarines and ships from long distance becayse bullets couldnt go far and do lot of damage.
  • women and minority

    -while the men went to fight in the war the women were left to work in the factories.after the war men came back to reclaim thier positions at factories but the women didnt want to give them up.spuring the feminest movement .in the war men of color fought along side white men for the first time.when they got back from the war they were treated with the same racial slurs.sparking the civil rights movments.
  • Nuclear weapon

    -president Harry truman decided to use the Atomic bomb against japan after bombs were dropped on hiroshima and nagaski in japan surrendered ww2,in which over 70 million people died when it was over
  • the US & Europeans countires(ww2 end results)

    -in the US the war happened after great depression.30% unemployment was cut down to less that %5 after the unemployment boost to the war. The European counties were let to rebuild and the US lended money to countires and germany was the only contry to fully pay it back in 1990
  • Koremastsu vs US

    -fried Korematsu a japanese US citizen refused to leave his home in San Leandro,CA.
    --Court decided the nations security concern out weighed the constitutions promise of equal rights
  • Victory garden

    -as part of the war effort,the government rationed food like sugar,milk,cheese,eggs,coffee,meat and canned goods.
    -The government turned to its citizens and encouraged them to plant "victory Gardens"
  • Battle of midway

    -the Battle of Midway pushed the war tide in favor of the allied powers since it was one of the most decisive U.S. victories against japan,because major advances in code breaking ,the united states was able to preemt and countr japans planned ambush,the U.S inflicted permanent damaged on the japanese Navy by destroying 4 fleet carries,322 air crafts,over 5,000 sailors.
  • George marshall

    throughout the war ,general George(1880-1959) acted as chief of staff and the organizer of victory.he worked closley with President roosevelt to urge millitary preparedness before pearl Harbor,built up and supplied an army of 8 million mmen and later helped to overseas the creation of the first atomic bomb.
  • liberation of concentration camp

    -the liberation og the camps pushed towards the the victory for the allies because they were slowly starting to shut down Hitlers operation of the nazi takeover.The soviet were the first forces to reach a concentration camp Majdanek near Lublin,Poland.Due to the rapid Soviet advance,the germans had burned the camp but the gas chambers were left standing .the soviet also overan the sites of the belzec,solbibo,treblinka and the soviets liberated Auschwitz,the largest concentration camp.
  • japanese expansion

    -japanese expansion in east asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continued in 1937 with a brutal attacermany and italy.
    - then the US had stopped trade with the japanese which led them to attack the US and british forces in aisa ,and shortly after the japanese had dropped a bomb on Pearl harbor leading to the US declaring war on the japanese and joining the war.
  • joseph stalin USSR

    joseph stalin was powerful communist learder in the early years of the soviet union .He was a dictator who terrorized the population and send many people to prison and labor camps.
    -one of the communist learders greatest task was collective farming .stalin created a state-owned farms.while stalin was the learder he steadly increased his power.many of his enemies were shot or sent to siberia
  • Adolph Hitler Germany

    -Adictatorship requires one person and one party to be in controlof a nation and a c.
    -personal freedom disappear in Nazi Germany.
    -Hitler asked Hinderburg to grant him emergency power in the view of the "communist takeover"
  • M1 semi Automatic Rifle & Radar

    -the design of the M1 allowed the Americans to fier more shots against their Gof miles erman and Japanese counter parts.
    -Battles were won by the side that was first to spot enemy airplaines,ships,or submariens.The radar heped see hundreds of miles away even at night
  • German expansion

    -the german invasion of the western Poland on ! september 1939 led to ww2.
    -betwen 1939 and 1941 the German army invaded and occupied many countries ,including the Netherlands,belgium ,luxembourg, france,denmark,Norway and western poland.the invastion of poland led both Britain and france to declare war on germany,and then began the war,because German invasion continued more of the countries declared war on the Germans and thier allies which caused a international response of war.
  • isalnd hopping

    -island hoping was affecting the tide in favor of the allied powers because they kept pushing japanese forces out of the island,through the offensive against the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon.
    -archipelago which had marked the beginning of" island hopping" fought between August 1942 and febuary 1943,eventually succeded in forcing japan to relinquish the island
  • Equipment in WW2

    -wolf Packs were German submarines that had mass-attack tactics against convoys.A group od ships,warships and submariens that attack acertain target all at once
  • volunteerism in ww2(Red cross)

    -began blood donor services in America to produce live saving plasma for the Armed Forces,saved in hospitals,produced emergency supplies
  • Period: to

    Axis powers of WW2-

    -the axis powers of ww2 were Germany,italy,and Japan .this was originally between Germany and italy by climbing Rome and berlan.The reason for the Germans started the war since hitler had came into power and felt that the Germans deserved better than what the treaty left them with.then italy had joined because the Facist leader Mussolini was to spread Fascism throughout Europe,and japan had to joined because they were already invading china and they wanted to push their expansion further.