World War 2

  • Great depression

    Stock markets crash and many people are left in debt, leaving the world in a huge economic crisis.
  • Japan invasion

    Japan invades and conquers Manchuria
  • Neutrality Act

    Americans could sell non-military items to England on a cash and carry basis.
  • Munich Pact

    Allowed Hitler to invade the Sudetenland if he promised to stop there, however he ended up breaking his promise later.
  • Hitler invades again

    Germany invades Poland which begins the war officially.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • The Battle Of Britain

    Germans attacked Britain via air raids by the German air force
  • Lend Lease Act

    FDR proposes to sell, lease, or lend, war materials to the nations that the U.S. was in alliance with (Great Britain.)
  • U.S. cuts off Japan

    Not long after Japan began invading parts of Asia, the U.S. cut off trade with Japan and froze their assets in the U.S.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacked the U.S. Naval base resulting in many deaths, injuries, and destroyed aircrafts and warships.
  • Island Hopping

    A campaign proposed by McArthur and Nimitz which's purpose is to retake lands that Japanese had Captured in the Pacific.
  • Creation of the Atomic Bomb

    FDR send scientists to New Mexico to develop the very first Atomic Bomb. The Manhattan project led by Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein.
  • Battle of Mid way

    Was also considered a turning point. Japan had planned to lure the U.S. fleet into a battle near midway island in the pacific. The U.S. however had deciphered Japans code and plan gaining them an advantage allowing them to be better prepared. (The U.S. won.)
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    A major turning point for U.S. and Japan, this battle was the U.S.'s first time since declaring to be part of the war that THEY attacked the Japanese and it lasted 6 months.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Marks a turning point in the war specifically for Germany as the result was 250,000 men being killed from their army.
  • Invasion of Normandy (D-DAY)

    When alliances invaded France by landing on a beach in Normandy. This marked the beginning of freeing Europe from Nazi's.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    A turning point in the war, allies were caught off guard by Germans. This was the Germans last offense on the Western front
  • FDR passes

    After DECIDING he wants to drop the bomb, FDR tragically passes right before Germany surrenders, and Harry Truman replaces him as president.
  • VE DAY

    German troops slowly began to surrender which meant the war was coming to an end.
  • Dropping the Bomb

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the chosen cities to test thee first Atomic Bomb, resulting in both cities being destroyed and 230k casualties.
  • Nuremburg Trials 45-46

    Freedom from concentration camps in Europe showed the extents of Nazi brutality. This led to the Nazi leaders being put on trial for Crime Against Humanity.
  • Dividing Germany

    After the war Germany was now divided into four different zones by authority of U.S.A., Britain, France, and the U.S.S.R.
  • Signing for Peace

    peace treaties were signed between the allied powers and the axis of powers that had previously declared war with Germany.