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By mall1
  • Germany invades Poland and WW2 begins

    Germany invades Poland and WW2 begins
    Cause and Effect:
    -Hitler invades Poland on 1 September breaking Treaty of Versailles rules
    -This led to Britain and France declaring war on Germany two days later
    -German's didn't want war however, Hitler, using propaganda, persuaded the people
  • Period: to


  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Historical Perspective:
    -Churchill tells Britain that they will fight and won't surrender
    -his words prepared Great Britain for battle
    -caused by Germany's attempt to attack French and British forces
  • Hitler Enters Paris

    Hitler Enters Paris
    Historical Perspective:
    -this event was important because it gave civilians hope that Nazi's could be deafeated
    -the leader of France didnt want Germany to invade land
    -he sent a telegram to the USA, asking to help aid France
    -the USA sent material aid
  • Battle of Britain Begins

    Battle of Britain Begins
    Historical Perspective:
    -Hitler orders harh air attacks on British ships in the English channel'
    -his intention was to gain air supremacy over the RAF
    -this would allow him to carry out Operation Sea Lion
  • Hitler begins final solution

    Hitler begins final solution
    Cause and Effect
    -Hitler's final solution was based on the elimination of jews
    -this desicion lead to the Holocaust which caused dozens of deaths
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Ethical Dimension:
    -this event is highlighted because it was Hitler's biggest mistake
    -it sparked new hope in people for the war to end soon
    -Operation Barbarossa was the code name for Germany's invasion of Soviet Union during coldest winters hit Russia
    -their plan failed because Hitler underestimated the weather
    -german tanks wouldn't run
    -guns wouldn't fire
  • Pearl Harbor (Turning Point)

    Pearl Harbor (Turning Point)
    Cause and Effect:
    -this event lead the USA to join the war
    -if this hadn't happned, Germany would continue to rain down terror on the world
    -also would have been the first to use nuclear weapons
    -the attack was meant to prevent the US from interfering with Japanese military
  • Rationing

    Historical Perspective:
    -Americans were issued coupon books
    -rationing limited the amount of certain goods that they could buy
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Turning Point
    Cause and Effect
    -this battle was turning point in the Pacific
    -theend result lead to being the Japanese no longer having control of the Pacific
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    Cause and Effect:
    -Canadian soldiers were picked for a raid on the French port of Dieppe
    -raid lead to complete disaster
    -more than 1000 Canadians died, 500 wounded
    -it was meant to take pressure off the Russian front
  • Battle of Stalingrad (TURNING POINT)

    Battle of Stalingrad (TURNING POINT)
    Historical Significance:
    -turning point for the Nazi's
    -the German army pushed their forces, needing more and more reinforcements
    -ran out of ammunition asd food
    -Victory for the allies was significant because Germans lost so many soldiers they had to retreat from the Eastern Front
  • North Africa-EL Alamein

    North Africa-EL Alamein
    Historical Significance
    -battle was fought in the deserts of North Africa
    -the Atlantic and Western Europe were controlled by the Germans so it made Africa a very significant victory for the allies
    -allies intercepted the Germans supply lines and attacked when they were low and succeeded
    -outcome was the German army retreating from Africa almost completely
  • Operation Husky

    Operation Husky
    Historical Significance
    -Canadian, American, and British troops invaded the island of Sicily, which was the first piece of axis homeland lost in the war
    -invasion also provided vital practice for the Normandy landings
  • Western Europe- D-Day (Turning Point)

    Western Europe- D-Day (Turning Point)
    Cause and Effect:
    -Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt issued a statement to open a second front to relieve pressure on the Soviets
    -issues arose with British who favoured a thrust north from the Mediterranean, through Italy.
    -Against this, Americans advocated a cross-Channel assault which would move through Western Europe along the shortest route to Germany
    -This conflict led to D-Day
  • Allies invade Normandy

    Allies invade Normandy
    Cause and Effect :
    - this event lead to the Allies to held a foothold in Atlantic europe
    -canadians lost many soldiers
    -involved teh Candains at Juno Beach
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    Historical Perspective:
    -this conference was a meeting between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin
    -agreed to meet to discuss war strategy and issues that would affect the postwar world
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
    Historical Perspective:
    -he didn't want to be humiliated after hearing soviet troops entered Germany
    -at that point, he knew Germany had lost the war
    -he commited suicide to prevent humiltion from civilians
  • A Bomb- Hiroshima

    A Bomb- Hiroshima
    Historical Significance:
    -it was the first time a atomic bomb was used by the US
    -bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war
    -killing ten of thousands