World History Scientific Revolution

  • Period: Feb 7, 1400 to


  • May 24, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Sources : Copernicus was born on Februray 19, 1473 and he stated the theory that the planet Earth rotated on its axis once daily and traveled around the sun once a year. He died not knowing if his work had made an impact on society, due to the fact that his work had been against religious beliefs.
  • Oct 15, 1564

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Source Vesalius was born on December 31, 1514. He wrote the first major book about anatomy. He then started the use of highly illustrated medical text, where his drawings showed the human body in greater detail. Vesalius was also able to prove that some of Galen's theories were wrong, since Galen was only able to dissect animals he assumed that both had the same anatomy.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Source: Kepler was born on December 27, 1571 he was known as the founder of "celestial mehanics", which meant that he had been the first to explain planetary motion. He also accomplished the goal of making important advances in geometry. His 1st law- The orbit of a planet around the sun is an eclipse with the sun's center of mass at one focus. His 2nd law- A line joining a planet and the sun sweeping out equal intervals of time.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Source Galileo was born on Februrary 15, 1564, he was the first to use a refracting telescope to make important discoveries. The church did not agree at all with what Galileo had to say, they said that his manner alienated many which caused them to leave church authorities. Only Galileo's observations with his new telescope convinced him of the truth of Copernicus's sun centered theory. The sun did not agree with Galileo's theory and therefore he was arrested.
  • Descartes

    SourcesDescartes was born on March 31, of 1596. He was a famous French math wizard, and a philosepher. On Nov. 1628 Descartes made himself famous in a confrontation with Chandoux. He then produced a scientific work called The World. He seemed to have written and published many books during his life.
  • Montesquieu

    SourceHe was born January 18, of 1689. He was a journalist, a scoial philospher and a satrist he became the first French man to associate with Enlightenment. His most known and best work was known as "The Spirit Of Laws." He felt that tyranny resulted when all powers were controlled by one man. He was one who thought that political freedom could be made by seperating political powers into three dif
  • Communism and Marxism

    Communism and Marxism
    Source Marxism has been one of the most influiential develpoments over the past 200 years, and still very few Americans know muhc about it. The few that do know a little bit have their misconceptions about it. Marxism came out of the result of a group of British men called the Young Hegelians. Communism is very similar to another word called Anarchism. During this time they were both dominated by poor farmers and by gulids.
  • America's First News Paper

    America's First News Paper
    Source: America's first newspaper was issued on April 24th of 1704. John Campbell, was the first editor, who printed it on what was still known as half sheet. At this time the paper was nostly filled with news from journals in London, describing the intruiges of English polotics. With lots of events that concerned information over the European Wars.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    Source: : John Locke was born on August 29 1632. His most important work is "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding." This writing described his scientific views on things. Then he published Two Treatises of government, which reflected his roots in politics. He stated that human knowledge is gathered in two distinct ways through senstaion and reflection. Which are the broken down Into smaller senses.
  • Issac Newton

    Issac Newton
    Source 2 Source: Newton was born December 25,1642.He invented the reflecting telescope, he formulated laws of motion and gravitation. He explained formulas that explained how objects move when forces act on them. Afterwards he had the theory of gravity is the force that causes objects to fall down.
  • Voltaire

    Source: Voltaire was born November 21 during 1694. He is mainly remembered as a crusader against tyranny and bigoatry. He wrote a play that represented the founder of Islam as a man greedy for power, and was dennounced by Catholic clergymen. He was known as the most outspoken writer that supported political and social reform.
  • Rousseau

    SourceHe was born on June 28, in the year 1712. He was a big reader, he wrote several novels and opera's. He's most known for his political philosophy, which is shown in "The Social Contract." During this he argues for political sovereignty of all citizens, with the government and law, which was based on "general will." His ideas and novels inspired several revolutionary leaders and goernments of Corsica and Poland asked him to write their constitution.
  • Diderot

    Source : Was born on October 5, in 1713. He is remembered as the general editor of the encyclopedia, and as one of the men that contributed the most. This took up most of his time, he worked on this from 1750 to 1772. He believed that man was usually easily led to trying to make the environment better. He despised all the evil that he saw around him, which was known as society.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Source : He was born June 16, during the year 1723. He was a Scottish Philospher who became famous for his book "The Wealth Of Nations." Which made a big impact on modern economics and concepts of individual freedom. He became a professor at a University. He published lots more books and had was the man who had pretty much laid the framework which explained the free market, which i still around today.
  • Inventions

    Source: The kinds of inventions that were invented during the industrial revolution were thoughs such as, textiles, power looms, spinning frame, francis cabot lowell. The newest textile mill had been built at pawtucket in 1793, that was built by Samuel Slater. In 1785 Edmund Cartwright invented the first power loom. While in 1768 Richard Arkwright invented the spinning frame
  • Cesare Beccaria

    Cesare Beccaria
    Source He was born on March 15, of the year 1738. His best essay was one called "On Crimes and Punishments." One of his theories was that of all individuals posses freewill, were rational and manipulated. He was one who expressed his opinion for the need of the criminal justice system, but also the governments rights to have law's and punishments.
  • Trade Unions

    Trade Unions
    Source Back then the punishment for making a trade union was imprisonment. Many just chose to break the law anyway, wether it meant starting arguments or fights. A riot broke out between the unemployed and the people with jobs, the reason that this haapened was because the people without jobs were jealous of the ones with jobs, so they considered the riot as a form of revenge. The employed people fought to raise their wages and to improve the place they worked at.
  • World Economy

    World Economy
    sourceBy the 1900's there is shift towards manufacturing , for core areas and it incouraged the rise of industries, so that they could sell machines to different regions.