
World History-Adam Meyer

  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to

    Ch. 19-Ch.20

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born
    Prince Henry is the man that would later create a school for Navigation. This school brought the best of the best people in Navigation and would help kick start exploration and the finding of a water route to Asia. Without his birth none of this would happen.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


    Material covered in class
  • Jul 17, 1402

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor
    When he came to power he would start the exploration of the South Pacific and Indian Ocean by sending his personal friend Zheng He out. Headed the construction of the forbidden city. Kick started exploration for China.
  • Jul 11, 1405

    Zheng He captains his first voyage

    Zheng He captains his first voyage
    THe first of his many voyages that he would go on. He had 317 ships at his command he traveled all over the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. He would display China's power through his fleet. He discovered the lands that China would trade with until China shut the doors on the whole outside world.
  • Apr 12, 1434

    Donatello Creates his David Statue

    Donatello Creates his David Statue
    He was comissioned to build it to represent Cosimo's victory. It was the first life sized statue of its kind made in Bronze.
  • Apr 13, 1450

    Johan Gutenburg Invents the Printing Press

    Johan Gutenburg Invents the Printing Press
    This great invention allowed for mass production of books. Although it can't print a full book, it can print many pages from one book at the same time.
  • Apr 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople of the Turks

    Fall of Constantinople of the Turks
    Constantinople was the Capital of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire and the fall of it marked the end of the Roman Empire.
  • Oct 19, 1453

    The Hundred years' War Ends

    The Hundred years' War Ends
    The end of a lot of bloodshed for both France and England. It ended at the Battle of Castillion and the surrender of Bordeaux. This War gave birth to a new reason to fight, Nationalism, which marked the ending of Feudalism.
  • May 15, 1488

    Bartolomeau Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope

    Bartolomeau Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope
    In him doing this Europeans realized for the first time that they could trade directly with Asia, bypassing the Italians.
  • Jan 2, 1492

    Ferdiand & Isabella end war with Muslims

    Ferdiand & Isabella end war with Muslims
    With the end of the war they had extra money that they could spend. They would use some of this money to fund the trip of Christopher Columbus that same year. Christopher sailed west trying to reach Asia but instead he found the America's.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus spots land in North America

    Christopher Columbus spots land in North America
    The first time the America's have been found, since the vikings. If he had not spotted land soon his crew was going to force them to go back and would have never found America. This would have changed history completely.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Spain and Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas

    Spain and Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas
    This treaty drew an imaginary line through the newly discovered lands, the America's. Everything East of the line was Portugal's for trade and colonization while everything west was Spain's for the same reaons.
  • May 20, 1498

    Vasco da Gama lands in India

    Vasco da Gama lands in India
    He was the first explorer to reach India by Sea. He would pave the road for the Portuguese's relationship and trade with India. Set up first trade for Portugal in India.
  • Apr 25, 1503

    Leonardo DaVinci starts the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo DaVinci starts the Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa is one of DaVinci's best works and is one of the most famous portraits around the world. Many writers have tried to explain the thoughts behind her slight smile. It was said that he had worked on it till the day he died. He was alwasy perfecting it.
  • Nov 1, 1507

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast
    In doing this, he proved that Columbus had not found Asia, but had found a new continent or New World as they referred to it. Later called America in his Amerigo's honor.
  • Sep 4, 1508

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    He painted panels on the roof of biblical and greek ideals. One of which was the Biblical Prophet Joel with two youths behind him instead of angels.
  • Dec 1, 1509

    Raphael paints School of Athens

    Raphael paints School of Athens
    School of Athens was meant to represent Philosophy. It has been known as Rapheal's masterpiece and the perfect definition of High Renaissance.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1513 to


  • May 28, 1513

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement
    Nicolaus came up with the heliocentric theory which says that everything revolves around the sun, not earth. Today this what we know thanks to better technology, but back then he was the first one to think this.
  • Oct 14, 1513

    Machiavelli writes The Prince

    The Prince is like a political guide book. It says that a prince must be as strong as a lion and shrewd as a fox. It doesn't say what is the morally right thing to do but instead what is politically good.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis
    This action caused the Reformation which is a religious movement which led to churches that don't accept the Pope's authroity. He challenged the Church's teaching and the way it worked.
  • Feb 22, 1519

    Hernan Cortez lands on Mexican coast

    Hernan Cortez lands on Mexican coast
    He finds the Aztec Empire their. He attacks the Aztecs capital, Tenochtitlan, and captures their leader, Montezuma. He then conquers the rest of the Aztec Empire. His success would later be used by Pizzaro when he encounters the Inca.
  • Nov 15, 1532

    Francisco Pizarro meets Atahualpa

    Francisco Pizarro meets Atahualpa
    The meeting was actually a trap if the Inca and Atahualpa did not do what the priest had said. Atahualpa was insulted by what was said and threw the book on the ground and the priest called for them to attack. They captured Atahualpa while the rest of the Inca's ran. Pizarro then said he would free Atahualpa if he complied and he did but Pizarro killed him anyways which conclusively destroyed the Inca Empire. He copied what Cortez had done to the Aztecs.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1533 to

    Chapter 21

  • Aug 27, 1533

    Ivan the Terrible comes to power

    Ivan crowned himself Czar meaning Ceasar. He had a good period where he had great victories, added lands to Russia, and gave Russia a code of laws. Then came his bad period where he was paranoid all the time. In an argument, he killed his son.
  • Jul 24, 1534

    Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada

    Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada
    Started the French colonization of Canada. Which lead to the great fur trade for the French in Candada.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn is exectued

    Anne Boleyn is exectued
    Anne was King Henry's first wife after he declared himself the head of the English Church.When she did not bare a male child she lost favor with him, so he had her imprisoned in London Tower and later beheaded.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    Edward VIis born

    Edward VIis born
    The first English King to be brought up under Protestantism. He was crowned at the age of 9. The transformation of the Anglican Church to a more reconisable Protestant religion also happened under his rule.
  • Nov 7, 1540

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order
    They founded superb schools throughout Europe. They converted non-christians to Catholicism with missionaries. They tried to prevent the spread of Protestanism.
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Mary I becomes Queen

    Mary I becomes Queen
    Nickname was "Bloody Mary" because she started killing a bunch of people to try to force Catholicism back on them.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen
    She stopped persecuting the Protestants and brought back the Church of England.
  • Jun 2, 1579

    The Dutch Declare their Independence

    The Dutch Declare their Independence
    The first step was when the Dutch flooded the lands forcing the Spanish troops to leave. The seven northern provinces then declared independence. This weakened Spain and set the course for many future things such as the Dutch East India Company.
  • Battle in the English Channel

    Battle in the English Channel
    Philip XIV sends the Spanish Armada to destroy the English fleet. He wishes to punish them for being Protestant. To his astonishment he was defeated by the English fleet and this weakened Spain substantially.
  • English East India Company founded

    English East India Company founded
    Was originally meant for trade with the West Indies but just traded with India and areas around there. Had its own army and used it to take control of areas.It was a major trading company in Asia along with the Dutch Company.
  • Dutch East India Compnay is founded

    Dutch East India Compnay is founded
    A company owned by the Dutch used for trade. It was one of the first companies to be able to form an army, produce currency, and run itself. It dominated the spice trade in the area.
  • Don Quixote is published

    Don Quixote is published
    The story of Don Quixote is often called the birth of the modern European novel. Don Quixote hopes to right all of his wrongs after reading too many books of heroic knights.
  • Henry Hudson is last seen

    Henry Hudson is last seen
    Henry was searching for the Northwest Passage or a water route to Asia north of America. Instead he had discovered the Hudson Bay named after him. Before he could continue once the ice melted his crew mutinied and headed back.
  • William Shakespeare Dies

    William Shakespeare Dies
    Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest playwright of all time. Dispite his death his plays are still used and famous today.
  • Thirty Years' War begins

    A war over religion, territory, and power among families. At first the Hapsburgs were winning the war. Come the end though the Hapsburgs were pushed out of Northern Germany. This war also introduced a new way of making peace, everyone meets together and discusses what will happen.
  • Cardinal Richelieu becomes leader of France

    Cardinal Richelieu becomes leader of France
    Richelieu first moved against the Huguenots to weaken the Protestant religion and prevent them from revolting. He weakened the power of the nobles by appointing government officials making nobles pointless.Lastly he wanted to weakne the Hapsburg nations, he did this by starting the 30 Years' War.
  • Charles I becomes king of England

    He always needed money so he would threaten to abolish the Parliament unless they gave him money. The people wanted to get rid of him which started the English Civil War.
  • Galileo publishes his many fidnings in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

    Galileo publishes his many fidnings in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
    This book had many of Galileo's findings in it. Many of these ideas are still in use today for scientists. He was the first to test theories that had never been questioned before since the Greek Philosophers.
  • Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Disocourse on Method

    Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Disocourse on Method
    His method is the same method that we use today to test things.
  • Oliver Cromwell takes over the crown

    Oliver Cromwell takes over the crown
    Leader of the Puritans and defeated Charles and brought him to trial for treason. Oliver than became leader of England. The Puritans were very strict and took away many things like dancing and theatre. They were religiously tolerant though. They allowed people to practice their religions there except Catholics.
  • Thomas Hobbes outlines the social contract in Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes outlines the social contract in Leviathan
    The type of rulership that Hobbes supported is much like a dictatorship today. He says that people need a ruler with complete power to keep law and order.
  • King Louis XIV becomes king

    King Louis effectively was the most powerful Absolute Monarch. He controlled all of his nobles. He devoted himself to helping France with economic, political, and its culture. Despite this he waisted a lot of his money on many luxury things. Most famously the the city of Versailes. King Louis fought in many wars, most famously the War of Spanish Succession.
  • New Netherlands becomes New York

    New Netherlands becomes New York
    The Dutch of York attacked and without any resistance took it over. He renamed it New York after himself. That is when the area became English.
  • La Salle claims Mississippi River for Spain

    La Salle claims Mississippi River for Spain
    When you claim water you also claim all the lands that it touches. Little did La Salle know that the Mississippi was much bigger than he thought. He had claimed a lot of land for Spain by claiming the River.
  • The law habeas corpus comes into effect

    The law habeas corpus comes into effect
    This was the first time that a prisoner had the right to know what they were being arrested for. Then they would be put in a trial with a judge and the judge would decide if they're innocent or guilty.
  • Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

    Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
    This law proved why we stay on earth and don't float up to the sky. We used this law to help us go to the moon and prove there is no gravity in space.
  • John Locke justifies rebellion in Two Treatises on Government

    John Locke justifies rebellion in Two Treatises on Government
    His book talked about the three natural rights. Liberty, Life, and Property.
  • Peter the Great goes on his "Grand Embassy"

    Peter the Great goes on his "Grand Embassy"
    Peter wants to find out why Western Europe is more successful then Russia. So he takes a trip accross Western Europe learning the ways they work and how to do things. When he returns he begins westernization of Russia.
  • War of Spanish Succession

    A war to stop France and Spain from being united. Louis's grandson was the king of Spain now. In the treaty of Utrecht they allowed him to stay king, as long as France and Spain were not united. The British came out the winners of this war.
  • St. Petersburg becomes the Capital

    St. Petersburg becomes the Capital
    To have a seaport with Western Europe for education and growth.
  • Maria Theresa comes to power in Austria

    All of the Hapsburg rulers agreed to make Maria Theresa the queen because they thought she would be weak and easily controllable. Her main enemy was Prussia who she did succeed in stopping but lost some land.
  • Anders Celsius creates his scale for measuring temperature

    Anders Celsius creates his scale for measuring temperature
    Although it is not very important to Americans, celsius is used throughout the world.
  • Baron Von Montesquieu purposed seperation of power in On the Spirit of Laws

    Baron Von Montesquieu purposed seperation of power in On the Spirit of Laws
    His ideas from his book of speration of powers and checks and balances are the basis of the United States Constitution.
  • Denis Siderot publishes the first volumes of his Encyclopedia

    Denis Siderot publishes the first volumes of his Encyclopedia
    His Encyclopedia is why we have our Encyclopedia's now. Except we have a lot more of them for each letter. Also his book helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment.
  • Seven Years' War begins

    Seven Years' War begins
    Also known as the French and Indian War. It was the war between France and England primarily. The English would end up winning and take over parts of Florida and the Carribean and also New France in Canada.
  • Seven Years' War starts

    A war that was fought throughout Europe, India, and North America. Nothing changed in Europe but the same could not be said about North America. Britain emerged victorious. They took control of France's colonies.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft is born

    Mary Wollstonecraft is born
    Mary was the first woman to fight for womens rights. She thought women should have an education so that they can help develop young boys better. She was the start of womens rights.
  • The start of the Partition of Poland

    The start of the Partition of Poland
    This is when parts of Poland are starting to be taken. At the end all of Poland is under other countries control. It wasn't until the end of World War I that Poland became its own coutnry again.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    It was the first sign of rebellion against the British. It would kick start the American Revolution.
  • Catherine the Great puts down the serf Rebellion

    Catherine the Great puts down the serf Rebellion
    Catherine was going to end serfdom in Russia, but when they revolted she decided she needed the nobles to keep them in check.
  • British Army and American Militia exchange fire at Lexington, Massachusetts

    British Army and American Militia exchange fire at Lexington, Massachusetts
    This is the first battle of the American Revolution. The news of the fighting reached the Congress and this is when they decided to raise an army.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

    Declaration of Independence is signed
    The document that said we are declaring ourselves indepenent from England. It was signed by many famous people of our history.
  • Delegates at the Constitutional Convention sign the Constitution

    Delegates at the Constitutional Convention sign the Constitution
    The constitution is the document in American history that gives us our freedoms and some laws. It took ideas from the Enlightenment and put them into use.
  • First slave revolts in Hispaniola

    First slave revolts in Hispaniola
    It was considered to be the most successful slave revolt in history. Later they would win their freedom and become their own nation.
  • Beethoven Dies

    Beethoven Dies
    Beethoven set the standard for classical music. His works are still used today and worked on by famous classical artists.