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  • Aug 25, 1096

    crusadees are fought

    crusadees are fought
    a war between christian and muslims for the holy land. many people died at these wars do to fighting and unproper care 1096 to 1291
  • Sep 3, 1300

    Renaissance Begins

    Renaissance Begins
    It means rebirth in french. it was due to many thriving cities. it in creased trade and wealth merchants class
  • Aug 29, 1337

    100 year war begins

    100 year war begins
    It was many differnet wars that lasted about 100 years. It was beetween the english and france. it was what set the roud for england and france and many people died
  • Oct 1, 1345

    trade begins in the atlantic

    trade begins in the atlantic
    it brough more supplies to the world. people became rich
  • Aug 25, 1347


    a disease carried in flease on the back of rats that killed one thrid of europes population. it taught doctors and such how to deal with other things that they might need later on in life. it was one of earths most tragic times in all oh history
  • Sep 15, 1368

    Ming dynasty in chin

    Ming dynasty in chin
    He had many many children. he controled much land. he killed and lasted for very long in his rain of his dynasty. 1368 1644
  • Sep 29, 1405

    voages of zhenghe

    voages of zhenghe
    1405 -1433. he found land and riches. it made other explorers want to find prperty that belongs to someone else
  • Aug 27, 1431

    joan of arc burened at the stake

    joan of arc burened at the stake
    Joan was captured in a war by the french. she was burned at the stake. she is know a saint.
  • Sep 15, 1455

    Johannes Gutenberg- printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg- printing press
    it made it easer for people to comunucate. word would spread alot made people aware of wars that might be coming
  • Oct 3, 1471

    pizarro invades inca empire

    pizarro invades inca empire
    he was the first to take on the incas. he got many things from them. he was an infantry colonel.
  • Sep 25, 1492

    1st voyage of columbas

    1st voyage of columbas
    he sailed the ocean to find a new route. he thought that it was the east indies. thats how we ll live on america today bis becuase of his find
  • Oct 9, 1492

    jews gupsies and moors explelled from spain

    jews gupsies and moors explelled from spain
    they had only the things they could carry. it took out a lot of spains population. many people died while this event was taking place
  • Sep 23, 1498

    Da gama lands in india

    Da gama lands in india
    He sailed from Libson, Portagel. Not very many indians liked him. He did all that work just to go exploring again and he died of an ilness
  • Sep 11, 1500

    slave trade across the atlantic

    slave trade across the atlantic
    people were finding colored people and using them as cheap labor. many people were bieng sold, bought and abused. slave trade was carried out for a long time after this. it led to many things in the futer
  • Sep 17, 1501

    Safavid Empire

    Safavid Empire
    It was after the invasion of the monguels. it was founded by Genghis Khan's. The safavids were shia. most other muslims were sunnis. ends in 1722
  • Sep 3, 1502

    Naming of the new world

    Naming of the new world
  • Sep 5, 1503

    Painting of mona lisa

    Painting of mona lisa
    it is one of the most famous paintings in the world. it tells us a little about who he was. it triggered others to make famous painting that we see today.
  • Sep 11, 1508


    he wass forced to paint this master piece. it took him many tryes till he said t was ok for people to see. it is one of the most famous pieces of art in todays history. and one of the largest
  • Sep 5, 1517

    Martin luther posts 95 theses

    Martin luther posts 95 theses
    it was to stop the pope and all the other bad people that had power from doing things for there own gain. it told the pope that he coulndt sell indulgences and it said to be a good pope that stayed within his boundarie. it landed martin in big trouble and he then got excomunnicated
  • Oct 17, 1519

    Magellan starts his round the world trip

    Magellan starts his round the world trip
    he almost made it all the way around but got sick and died on the way. A few of his men made it all the way around though. his men were the first to go all the way around the world
  • Oct 15, 1526

    Mughal empire begins

    it had many people to help work for the leaders. many people died from foriegn disiease. a new empire was created but fell very quickly
  • Sep 29, 1527

    Philip rules spain

    Philip rules spain
    whille he was king spain was at there most powerful that they had ever been. he led well and he made known that he was the king and no one would rule him while he was still alive
  • Oct 15, 1558

    Elizabeth becomes queen of england

    Elizabeth becomes queen of england
  • Cormwell

    he wanted charles to be hung. he cut england into 11 diffenernt sections. he was led by 30000 troops at his funiral.
  • Henry VIII founds the anglican church

    Henry VIII founds the anglican church
    The world anglican means "to england". it still is parcticed today. he foundedna differet type of religion
  • James town colony in virginia

    James town colony in virginia
  • Louis XIV becomes king of france

    Louis XIV becomes king of france
    he led a absolute monarchy. he was also wone of the newest people to try to reform france. he led france at the age of four
  • Louis becomes king of france

    Louis becomes king of france
  • Quing dynasty begins in china

    Quing dynasty begins in china
    It was a dynasty that was led by a very good leader. he was a good warrior and led his people well. it didnt last very long
  • thomas hobbes rights the leviathon

  • peter 1 becomes czar

    peter 1 becomes czar
    he did not lead like everyone thought he would
  • Age of enlightenment

    Age of enlightenment
    Its is a time of many different theorys of science and the way of life was created an it spread quickly around the whole worlld. at the time many people were not expecting it to happen but when it did it made living a lot simpler. it gave way for many peple to start creating things and ideas.
  • Cathrine the great rules london

    Cathrine the great rules london
    Born on May 2, 1729, in the city of Stettin. She was good at learning and remembering things that were told to her. she led through hard times and still didnt become corrupt.
  • US constitution is ratified

    US constitution is ratified
    For a while it seperated states from the goverment. It was over a bill of rights. In the end it made us stronger as a countrey
  • french revolutian begins

    french revolutian begins
    the french were trying to fix and get or get rid of all the old and bad things in there countrey. Althought they didnt achieve everting that they wanted to get done. it was the first french reformation and gave way to many new ideas that are still practiced in the countrey of france today
  • Naploeon deafeted at waterloo

    Naploeon deafeted at waterloo
    he loses to king wellington in belgum. he led very well and created the noplolionic code. it showed other countreys that they werent messing around
  • Reign of terror begins

    Reign of terror begins
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor