World History

  • Aug 25, 1096

    Crusades are fought

    Crusades are fought
    There was a battle between christians and muslims for the Holy land. 1096-1091
  • Aug 27, 1300

    Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel
    It was beautiful and it helped people get through the hard times that they had been through. It made people think that the Gods were looking after them. Its important because it showed the Gods there helping the people through the black death.
  • Aug 27, 1300

    Renaissance begins

    Renaissance begins
    It was the "rebirth" of the world. There was different art, literature, science, and learning. After the black death people were different and alot of things had changed. It was important because it shows how different people were before the black death and after.
  • Oct 17, 1337

    100 years war beings

    100 years war beings
    Ended in 1453. Putting the house of plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of england, against the house of valois for control of the kingdom of France. The war had its roots in a dynastic disagreement.
  • Aug 25, 1347

    Black death begins in Europe

    Black death begins in Europe
    Two thirds of the populations was killed by the black death. It came here from china through the trade ships. It was on fleas on rats on the ships.
  • Sep 5, 1368

    Ming Dynasty in China

    Ming Dynasty in China
    Under the Ming rule, the Chinese made many developments in the Arts and literature. Rising literacy rates contributed to the growth of popular fiction. More books came out, that got a lot better. Art had gotten better over this period of time. 1368-1644
  • Oct 1, 1405

    Voyages of Zheng He

    Voyages of Zheng He
    1405-1433 He lead seven voyages around the Indian Ocean as far as Africa. He sailed with huge fleets of as many as 300 ships. Included trading ships called junks as well as immense treasure ships, about 400 feet long. These voyages were highly expensive.
  • Oct 17, 1431

    Joan of Arc burned at the stake

    Joan of Arc burned at the stake
    She led France successfully agaisnt England, the England captuered and wanted her dead. They made everyone believe she was into witchcraft. Because she heard voices that she believed that they were angles voices.
  • Oct 3, 1453

    ottomans conquer constantinople

    ottomans conquer constantinople
    They used massive cannons, Ottoman forces battered the citys walls. After a seige of almost two months they finally fell. The Byzantine empire no longer existed.
  • Sep 17, 1455

    Johannes Gutenberg - Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenberg - Printing Press
    He put letters onto metal plates and locked those plates into a wooden press. His first piblication was a 1,282 page bible. It was importanant because it made making copies of things a lot faster and you didnt have to write it all out by hand.
  • Oct 13, 1492

    1st voyage of Columbus

    1st voyage of Columbus
    He believed that he could sail west around the world from Spain to reach China. He reached an island in the Caribbean after 2 months at sea, hee thought he had reached the asian islands known as the Indies. He returned bak to Spain in March 1493 with many exotic items from the island.
  • Aug 29, 1497

    Da Gama lands in India

    Da Gama lands in India
    On the way down he stopped at serveral Afican ports, he learned that Muslim merchants were already actively involved in trade. His journey took more then 10 months.
  • Sep 23, 1500

    Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory

    Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory
    This is where the earth revolves around the sun. Copernicus developed a detailed mathmatical explanation of how the process worked. This is important because people needed to how the world works.
  • Oct 7, 1501

    Safavid Empire

    Safavid Empire
    Safavids soon came into conflict with the Ottomans and other Muslims. The founder was a 14 year old boy named Esmail. His father died so he took up the sword. He pretty much made alot of wars when he was ruling.
  • Oct 15, 1502

    Naming of the "New World"

    Naming of the "New World"
    Columbus sailed to a new place. Thinking that no one lived here, or knew about it. When they went into the forest they found that people lived there. He called them in indies. He had to name this new place, or new world.
  • Sep 3, 1503

    Da Vinci paints the "Mona Lisa"

    Da Vinci paints the "Mona Lisa"
    It tries to capture the complexity of the human spirit with its mysterious smile. Because it was painted by an important person.
  • Sep 17, 1517

    Martin Luther posts 95 theses

    Martin Luther posts 95 theses
    He made public complaints about the church. He criticized the power of the pope and the wealth of the church. He didnt intend them to be for all the people but for the church leaders only. It was important because people felt he same way he did, so the desire for reform grew.
  • Sep 23, 1519

    Magellan starts his "around the world" trip

    Magellan starts his "around the world" trip
    He sets out with five ships and about 250 men. After months at sea, Magellan fleet reached the Philippines where he was killed in a fight against the native people.
  • Sep 19, 1525

    Henry VIII founds Anglican Church

    Henry VIII founds Anglican Church
    THe gathering led to a declartion that England no longer considered itself under the authorty of the pope. Therefore, Henry himself became head of the church. He didnt change things that much. He secretly marrired almost all his wifes.
  • Oct 1, 1526

    Mughal Empire begins

    Mughal Empire begins
    reigned as Indias first Muslim empire and were one of the greatest civilzations of history. It was known for its wealth and power. The Mughals name came from the Persian word "Mogul" for "Mongol".
  • Sep 25, 1531

    Pizarro invades the Inca Empire

    Pizarro invades the Inca Empire
    He found a place that was already very weak. Smallpox had gotten to them, killing hundereds of them. Including the Empire. In the wake of the Empires death was broke out. A new Empire was ruling when the Spanish arrivved
  • Sep 3, 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Its delegates examined the criticisms made by Protestants about Catholic Practices. The council of Trents rejected the Protestants emphasis on self discipline and individual faith. They didnt want the fight between Catholicism and the Protestantism.
  • Sep 19, 1556

    Philip II rules Spain

    Philip II rules Spain
    Spain reached the peak of its grandeur during the reign. One reason was because the steady stream of gold and silver that flowed from its American colonies.
  • Sep 3, 1558

    Elizabeth 1 becomes Queen of England

    Elizabeth 1 becomes Queen of England
    One of her first acts as queen was to darft a new Supremacy Act in 1559. She got to split England once again from Rome. Because she got England on its own again.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    A new generation of philosophers began to view reason as the best way to understand truth. They came to the remarkable conclusion that reason could used to solve all human problems. Because they wanted to make a difference and they were trying to as well.
  • Tokugawa Shogunate ends

    Tokugawa Shogunate ends
    During this time the women lived restricted lives, they had to obey the male head of the household. 80 percent of the population was peasants. They were forbidden to do anything besides farming. Shogun held the real power in all this.
  • Jamestown, colony in Virginia, founded

    Jamestown, colony in Virginia, founded
    The settlers of Jamestown hoped to find gold and silver and possibly a rive route to the Pacific. Instead, they found marshy ground and impure water. They didnt get what they had hoped to find by any means. Some 80 percent of settlers of Jamestown died during their first winter in America.
  • Louis XIV becomes King og France

    Louis XIV becomes King og France
    He lead France during a time of great power, prosperity, and glory. It was Negative and Positive. He was raise to be a king from childhood. Since he was raised from childhood to be a king, i am sure that he was better then most at what he did. He made good decisions for his people and the places he lived and ruled.
  • Thomas Hobbes writes Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes writes Leviathan
    He wrote about his experience of the violence and upheaval of the English civil war persuaded him that people were selfish and greedy. He wanted people to understand why he thought that they should have a higher power and be willing to give up some rights for the peace nd safety of the higher powered person.
  • Oliver Cromwell rules England

    Oliver Cromwell rules England
    He demanded complete obedience, but he was a skilled leader. He closed down on pretty much all popular entertainment. He warred on Spain and Dutch, over trade. I dont think this has anything important to deal with because how he ruled was pretty wrong.
  • Qing Dynasty in China begins

    Qing Dynasty in China begins
    The Manchu initially facced heavy resistance from their Chinese subjects. Ming policy is isolation and restricting foreign trade. It made the Chinese change their culture, completely. That wasnt that great.
  • Peter I (the Great) becomes Czar

    Peter I (the Great) becomes Czar
    He was still a child when he became Czar so his sister took his place, at age 17 he removed her from thr thorne and took power for himself. One of his first acts was to storm Azov, a Black Sea port held by Turks. It was a mess so he built a Navy. This was important becaause he learned what he needed to do and he got it done and won.
  • Cathrine the Great

    Cathrine the Great
    She became Queen after czar was killed. she wanted to be the Queen becuas he wasnt ruling as she thought he should.
  • U.S. Constitution is ratified

    U.S. Constitution is ratified
    This is to hold laws. For the government to be able to have the power over the people. It divides the governments power into three branches. To make it easier to control. We need this because we need control over the people so nothing gets out of hand.
  • French Revolution begins

    French Revolution begins
    Long standing resentments against the French monarchy fueled anger throughout France. It through France into chaos. Thousands of people, including the king and queen died violently Franch became a republic.
  • reign of terrors begins

    reign of terrors begins
    Many people were concerned about the course of the Revolution. Many of the French themselves were criticizing it. Alot of people were worried enough about the Revolution and make war againist france. They decided to take drastic actions to aviod a possible counterrevolution. A revolution againist a government that was established by a revolution known as the regin terror.
  • Slave trade across Atlantic

    Slave trade across Atlantic
    A shortage of labor in the Americas. Planters had first used Native Americas as workers, But European disease had killed millions of them. It helped people out with crops but it wasnt a good thing.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
    He wanted to make his own power permanent. He submitted a plebiscite, a question put before all the voters. The French voted him yes. So the Pope came from Rome to Crown him in Paris. It was important because the action he took showed the people that no one gave him his authority, he took it for himself.
  • Napoleon defeated at waterloo

    Napoleon defeated at waterloo
    Napoleons enemies were gathering their troops for another showdown. The final confrontation pitted Napoleons troops against British troops. The British had Prussia come to their aid and Napoleons army was no match for the two armies. The important thing is that Napoleon got knowked down after winning so many wars that he stoped having them.
  • Jews, Gypsies and Moors expelled from Spain

    Jews, Gypsies and Moors expelled from Spain
    It was known as the Holocaust. Nazi concentration and dealth camps were held to put these people in to in time be killed. 6 million Jews were killed at this time. People in the United States and Europe began to hear disturbing reports of widespread killing of Jews. No one helped them. Ever.