Woman Spies in WWII

  • SOE is established

    SOE is established
    The SOE was established for volunteer force but later on mostly women join
  • Women start training

    Women start training
    The women start training to be spies at a resident that the SOE built.
  • SOE gets girl volunteer

    SOE gets girl volunteer
    the SOE thinks its not bad to have women spies
  • SOE Thinks women spies are good idea

    SOE Thinks women spies are good idea
    The SOE thought women spies where smart because they where less likely to get checked. They also are less likely to get patted down and get put sudpesion on.
  • First Woman Spy

    First Woman Spy
    Virginia Hall was the first women spy for the allies in france
  • Another importent spy gets recruted

    Another importent spy gets recruted
    Inayat Khan got recrutied by the SOE. They thought that if a black female was sent to spie there was no way she would get caught. And they where right.
  • Germans where onto them

    Germans where onto them
    the germans intercepted the secret code on sending messeges but had no clue it was the women they just thought it was regular male spies
  • SOE notice that its working

    SOE notice that its working
    The SOE noticed that women spies are rarly getting checked or stopped
  • Khan gets locked up

    Khan gets locked up
    Afyer 2 years of succseful spying a lot of the female spies get cought.
  • Virginia hall was reconized

    Virginia hall was reconized
    Virginia hall was reconized by getting the distinguish service cross
  • khan got a statue

    khan got a statue
    khan got a statue in her home town in londan.