With Every Drop of Blood, Fiction, James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, 235 pages

  • Pages 1-64 Total: 508

    This book is about Johnny, a 14 year old boy who lives with his mother adn two siblings, Sam and Sarah. His dad was fighting in the civil war against the Yankees and just arrived home because he had been shot. They care for him but he gets infected and dies. To get revenge on his father against the Yankees, Johnny takes up on going on a teamster trip. Its risky but he goes anyway, even though he promised his dad he wouldnt fight. They are going to deliver goods to the capital.
  • Pages 65-84 Total: 919

    The wagon train started off into the woods toward their destination. Not long after they had started their journey, Yankees attacked their wagon train. Johnny got so frightened and knew he had to get away before they caught him so he steered his mules off the road and into the forrest. A yankee caught up with him and it turned out to be an african american. Johnny wasnt happy to have a black soldier bossing him around as he picked up the wounded bodies from the fight.
  • Pages 85-101 Total: 935

    The black soldeir's name who got Johnny is Turner. Turner heard Johnny reading the bible while they rode along. He got excited and decided to make Johnny teach him. Inside, Johnny was furious. He made up the excuse that it was too dark so he would have to start tomorrow just so he could prolong it. He decided he would teach him wrong.
  • Pages 102-118 Total: 951

    While they were at a resting place, Johnny started teaching Turner. Turner surprised Johnny by saying he had already leasrned the letters by sneaking under the schoolhouse as a boy. As Johnny taught Turner, he told him a few things wrong but with certain rules he didnt have too; they were confusing enough. He styarted teaching him the Gettysberg Address. That night, Johnny slept next to the two wounded men again, but woke up in the middle of the night to find one of them dead.
  • Pages 119-151 Total:983

    While they were going, Jeb had gotten worse and died. Johnny though this was the time to escape so he said he needed to burry him. He went off, almost to the wods when soldiers knew what was up and watched him the rest of the time. They finally made it to the city and Cush (Turner) said he wanted Johnny to come with him instead of going to a prison. Johnny knew Cush was beginning to be more of a friend than an enemy.
  • Pages 152-185 Total:1016

    Johnny wanted to fit in and not get bossed around anymore so he found some yankee uniforms and put one on but now everyone will think hes a spy. Him and Cush have to get out of the wagon train as soon as possible. They got away just after their wagon train got attacked by the rebbels. Cush has a wound on his leg.
  • Pages 186-235 Total: 1065

    As Cush and Johnny are escaping, Rebbels attacked them. They took Cush away from Johnny so now Johnny has to go find him. He went into town and asked around and finally came to a barn just outside the town. Thats where Cush was but he cant get him out. He had to go back into town to find a man in higher possition. He couldnt and the battle was getting closer. He ran to the barn to find the rebs about to shoot Cush. Just as he yelled "the war is over" the firing stopped. They could go home.