William Taft F.R.

  • Taft is Born

    Taft is Born
    William Howard Taft is born in Cincinnati, Ohio. His parents were Louise and Alphonso Taft
  • Taft Attends Yale

    Taft Attends Yale
    In 1874 Taft goes to Yale University to study law.
  • Achieved the Degree

    Achieved the Degree
    After attending Yale, Taft receives a law degree.
  • Newly Wed

    Newly Wed
    After being rejected twice, William Taft got married to Helen Herron.
  • First Child Born

    First Child Born
    Robert Alphonso Taft is born as the eldest child of William and Helen Taft.
  • Middle Child Comes Along

    Middle Child Comes Along
    Helen Herron Manning is the second born of Taft
  • Youngest Child Born

    Youngest Child Born
    William Taft's third and last child, Charles Phelps Taft II, is born
  • Governor of the Philippines

    Governor of the Philippines
    Before the presidency, Taft became the governor of the Philippines for three years.
  • Taft Becomes a Republican

    Taft Becomes a Republican
    With help from Theodore Roosevelt, Taft becomes republican and wins against William Jennings Bryan for presidency
  • Taft becomes the 27th President

    Taft becomes the 27th President
    As reluctant as he was, Taft became president on March 4, 1909. His predecessor, Theodore Roosevelt, convinced him to run as candidate.
  • Taxes Lowered on Goods

    Taxes Lowered on Goods
    The Payne-Aldrich act was passed to lower the tariffs on goods that entered the U.S.
  • The Sixteenth Amendment

    The Sixteenth Amendment
    The senate calls for the sixteenth amendment for the Constitution which authorized Congress to collect income taxes
  • Enforce the Railroad's Authority!

    Enforce the Railroad's Authority!
    Taft developed the Mann-Elkins act of 1910. This was to enforce the Interstate Commerce Commission to have higher authority over railroad rates.
  • Batter's Up!

    Batter's Up!
    Taft throws the first ever ceremonial first pitch of a baseball game. He himself, was quite a fan of baseball.
  • Taft Stuck in a Bath

    Taft Stuck in a Bath
    Reportedly from rumors and new spread, while Taft was president, he had gotten stuck in a bathtub at the white house.
  • The First Lady Suffers a Stroke

    The First Lady Suffers a Stroke
    Taft's wife, Helen Taft, suffers a stroke which causes her to have a speech impediment.
  • The Dissolution of Standard Oil

    The Dissolution of Standard Oil
    So that Taft wouldn't break another bond with Roosevelt, he agreed to sign the dissolution of standard oil.
  • New Mexico is Made a State

    New Mexico is Made a State
    On this day, New Mexico was named the forty-seventh state
  • Arizona is Made a State

    Arizona is Made a State
    Arizona was made the forty-eighth state
  • Incoming Roosevelt!

    Incoming Roosevelt!
    Theodore Roosevelt runs as a candidate for president in 1912 against William Taft. They both end up losing in the re-election of 1912.
  • Terrible Loss

    Terrible Loss
    William H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt lose terribly against Woodrow Wilson. Wilson gained 42% of the country's vote while Taft had 23%, and Roosevelt had 27%.
  • Cherry Trees Planted

    Cherry Trees Planted
    Mrs. Taft plants the first ever cherry trees given by Japan. This was a sign of international friendship
  • "This Ship Will Never Sink"

    "This Ship Will Never Sink"
    In Newfoundland, Canada, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank along with over 1,500 passengers and crew.
  • Workin' 9-5

    Workin' 9-5
    Congress passes a law which requires all workers to work 8 hours that have federal contracts
  • The Death of the Vice President

    The Death of the Vice President
    John Sherman, Taft's vice president, dies in 1912
  • 16th Amendment Ratified

    16th Amendment Ratified
    The sixteenth amendment is finally ratified
  • Taft Out of Office

    Taft Out of Office
    After being defeated by Woodrow Wilson in the re-election of 1912, Taft left the White House.
  • The 28th President

    The 28th President
    Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated and made the 28th president of the U.S.
  • Happily Ever After

    Happily Ever After
    After a miserable term, Taft leaves office and acquires his dream job, chief justice. That is the job he had until he died in 1930.
  • Taft Passes Away

    Taft Passes Away
    As a result of heart disease, bladder inflammation, and high blood pressure, William Howard Taft dies on March 8, 1930.