Penn 29670 lg

William Penn

  • William Penn

    William Penn
    Pennsylvania colony governer, wanted early Pennsylvanians to save one tree for every five cut down. This enables the colony of Pennsylvania, to save more trees therefore having more in years to come.
  • Yellow Stone Act

    Yellow Stone Act
    Congress passed the Yellowstone Act making Yellowstone the first national park. Yelllowstone located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. President Grant, called this area a "pleasuring-ground" for the public. Today this day Yellowstone National Park still stands as a tribute to what the American Notrthwest use to be like.
  • The Lacey Act

    The Lacey Act
    The Lacey Act prohibited hunting in Yellowstone Park and the transporation of illegal wildlife across borders. This Act therefore protected all animals in Yellowstone and all future National Parks. And also if you killed an animal or caught an illegal animal, like a tiger in India, that animal could not be transported to America, leaving India as the cause of the killing. But unfortunately this Act doesn't stop the killing of animals that ought to be saved.
  • Missouri vs. Illinois and Chicago Sanitary District

    Missouri vs. Illinois and Chicago Sanitary District
    Missouri filed suit against Illinios for pollution of the Mississippi. The Supreme Court voted in favor of Illinios so the City of Chicago continued to dump sewage in to the river. To quote the Court “It is a question of the first magnitude whether the destiny of the great rivers is to be the sewers of the cities along their banks or to be protecting against everything which threatens their purity. To decide the whole matter at one blow by an irrevocable fiat would be at least premature.”
  • President Roosevelt and the American Bison

    President Roosevelt and the American Bison
    President Roosevelt, wanted to save the bison population which once was a magnificent 70 million was now 300. He said "provisions should be made for preservation of the bison," and calling it a "real misfortune"if the species went extinct. American Biosn have long been a symbol of the American West, and therir death would mean the death of an very important American icon.
  • Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act

    Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act
    It was passed by Congress to help prevent Dust Bowl storms and erosion. Over 100 million acres were effected by the Dust Bowl causing one of the greatest migrations in human history. The Dust Bowl was, ferocious storms that swept across America, mostly in the Midwest from lack of substancial plants to hold down dirt and excesive farming causing the dust storms that killed millions.
  • Bald Eagle Preservation Act

    Bald Eagle Preservation Act
    Bald eagles were added to the endangered species list to help aid the preservation of this iconic American symbol.
  • Smog in Los Angeles

    Smog in Los Angeles
    Heavy thick smog from car exhaust clouds L.A. and forces the closings of multiple schools for the month of October.
  • Antarctic Treaty

    Antarctic Treaty
    It was a treaty the prevented nuclar dumping in Antarctica.46 countries include the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson published Silent Spring. Silent Spring and the Sea Around Us are about the effect humans and pesticides have on the enviroment