
William H. Carney

By msg5125
  • Period: to

    Underground Railroad

    The underground Railroad affected William Carney because his father escaped slavery throught this and he purchased his family out of slavery.
  • A Law was passed restricting balcks from enlisting in the army

    A Law was passed restricting balcks from enlisting in the army
  • William Carney's father escapes through the underground railraod

    William Carney's father escapes through the underground railraod
    Sometime in the 1840's William Carney's father escaped throught the underground railroad and purchased his family out of slavery.
  • William Carney is Born!

    William Carney is Born!
    William Carney is born in Norfolk, Virginia. His paretns were William Carney and Ann Dean.
  • William Carney's family is free.

    William Carney's family is free.
    William Carney's dad also named William escaped slavery through the undergroung railroad and then purchased his swife and son(William Carney) out of slavery.The y then settled in New Bedford.
  • Willaim Carney is interested in becoming a minister.

    Willaim Carney is interested in becoming a minister.
    When William Carney was about 15 years old he was interested in becoming a minister. He took odd jobs hoping to save sufficent funds for religous training.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    William Carney was part of the Union Army during the Civil War. William Carney is most known for the attack at Fort Wagner.
  • An act was passed authorizing balcks to enlist in the army

    An act was passed authorizing balcks to enlist in the army
    Congress passed to Acts allowing the enlistment of the African Americans.
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Emancipation Proclimation
    The Emancipation Proclamation allowed balck men to be in the Union Army.
  • Governor John Andrew from Massachusetts was authorized to raise a regiment of African Americans.

    Governor John Andrew from Massachusetts was authorized to raise a regiment of African Americans.
  • Carney enlisted in the Morgan Guards

    Carney enlisted in the Morgan Guards
    This is also known a Company C in the 54th Regiment. This was mane up of African Americans.
  • Repelled an attack on James Island

     Repelled an attack on James Island
    This is the first time the 54th regiment saw combat.
  • Battle at Fort Wagner

    Battle at Fort Wagner
    This is the battle William Carney is most known for.
    Shaw was shot down and so William Carney siezed the flag and prevented the flag from touching the ground.
  • William Carney is discharged from the army.

    William Carney is discharged from the army.
    William Carney is discharged from the army because of injuries.
  • William Carney marries Susannah Williams

    William Carney marries Susannah Williams
    After William Carney wa discharged from the army he married Susannah Williams and they had one child. Their child becasem a succesfull music teacher.
  • William Carney employed as a letter carrier

    William Carney employed as a letter carrier
    William Carney was a letter carrier for 31 years and was of the four African American letter carriers in New Bedfrod.
  • William Carney is awarded the Medal of Honor!!

    William Carney is awarded the Medal of Honor!!
  • William Carney Died

    William Carney Died