William Goldings life

  • Born

    William was born in Cornwall, England. Born to parents Mildred and Alec.
  • College

    Started college at Oxford. He spent two years studying science out of spite of his father.
  • Teaching

    In 1935 he took a position as a school teacher following in his father's footsteps. This job inspired the book lord of the Flies.
  • Married

    Golding got married to his wife and they moved to Falmouth and later had two kids. He continued to write even after his children.
  • War

    When Golding abandoned his profession he went to go fight on the battleships in world war two. He lived for the better part of six years on a boat.
  • Back again

    In 1945 after the was golding went back to teaching and writing. He gained mutch inspiration for his fiction books from WW2.
  • Fist novel published

    In 1954 after 21 rejections golding published Lord Of The Flies. The novel tells the gripping story of a group of adolescent boys stranded on a deserted island after a plane wreck.
  • Nobel prize

    At the age of seventy three golding was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature. Two decades after he retired.
  • Film

    In 1990 a new film version of Lord of The Flies was released. It brought the book new attention from a new audience.
  • Death

    On June 19 1993 golding died of a heart attack. After he died his completed manuscript for The Double Tongue was published posthumously.