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William golding's life

By quenh
  • Birth

    William Golding was born in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England.
  • Collage

    Golding began college at the Brasenose college in Oxford England. While there he studied science but majored in english.
  • Graduation

    golding graduated college with a bachelors degree in english. Which he later would move on to use that degree to write The Lord of The Flies while residing in London, England.
  • Mairrage

    Golding married his wife Ann Brookfield in 1935. While working in a small theater in London.
  • English Work

    Golding used his bachelors degree to land a job in salisbury as a social worker. He still considered literacy to be his strength.
  • Deployment

    Golding was deployed in 1940 while still writing novels and working as a teacher. During this time his wife gave birth to their two children, daughter Judy and son David.
  • Leaving

    Golding left his job as a teacher and decided to start writing at this time in his life. During this time he wrote his most memorable works (Rites Passage)
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Golding won the Nobel Peace Prize for literature. He received this prize for his most recognizable work (Rites Passage).
  • Passing

    William Golding passed away at the age of 82. The cause of death was hearth failure in his home in Cornwall, England.