William Golding

  • Born

    born in Cornwall England september 19th 1911
  • college

    William Golding went to Brasenose College at oxford in 1930. He spent two eras studying science, in his third year he switched to a literature program writing poetry.
  • Graduated

    In 1935 William Golding gratuated college with a bachelor of arts in english and a diploma in education.
  • career

    Golding worked as a writer actor and producer with a small theater in england 1935 - 1939
  • navy

    in 1940, Golding went to the navy and spent five years there, seeing the harshness of man kiind. "man produces evil, as a bee produces honey"
  • Lord of the Flies

    In 1954 Golding published Lord of the Flies after being turned down by 21 publishers.
  • The Inheritors

    A book that many readers have a difficult time understanding, Goldings favorite book he's ever written.
  • Pincher Martin

    a survival after shipreck book like lord of the flies.
  • career cont

    in 1939 - 1961 he taught english and philosophy. in these years, he married Ann Brookfeild and had two kids.
  • death

    Golding died of a heart attack in cornwall