What if the Olive Branch Petition was Accepted?

  • Olive Branch Petition presented to British by American colonists

  • Olive Branch Petition Accepted by King George III

    Rising American Revolution put to a halt
  • British are taxed more because they can no longer tax the British and colonies differently.

  • British feel abused and a Great Migration occurs from Britain to America

  • Americans ask for a larger role in Parliament

    Colonists are not pleased with government, they want a part in it because they make up a large part of the population.
  • Paine's Rebelion

    Author of Common Sense, Thomas Paine leads a rebellion fighting for American independence, but it was unsuccessful.
  • British abolish slavery in all territories

    Colonists outraged, as slavery was a huge part of their economy.
  • British send troops to America to enforce abolition of slavery.

  • Continental Congress meets to discuss an American Revolution

  • Declaration of Independence

  • First shots of Revolutionary War

  • Treaty of London formally ends Revolutionary war, America gains England's territories and diminishes their land.

  • Britain surrenders, America gains independence

  • Andrew Jackson becomes America's first president. America is a limited democracy

  • WWI- Many countries go against American territories because they became a sudden world power

    America destroyed
  • Trump Doctrine declares that America will bomb countries that enter America