what film is from?

  • before 1800s

  • Period: to


  • the first motion picture

    the first idea of creating illiusion of motion. was because of a bet. a sequence of cameras were set up to go off and capurtion a horse running.
  • film was created

    devices were created that fascinate anyone who wanted to watch moving images
  • thomas edison

    edison made Phonograph Fame. only one person at one time could see the images. edison had a comany which made Peephole Kinetoscope, and it made a bit of money. because edison made it were him and his drew knew about it, so every person had to paid to see the one person images.
  • the brothers

    years has past Lumiere brothers in France. who did what edison wouldnt't do devise the projector that showed motion pictures on a screen for an audience; called Cinematographe
  • what happens when money gets good

    nickloden were small storefront-type theaters that featured films along with one or two Vaudeville acts.
  • the first american film

    thomas edison, producer edwin poter who created the frist u.s narrative film The Great Train Robbery.
  • early days

    changed the located of where they shot films for two reasons. for one films were outside lot of light was need. and weather on the east coast didnt cooperate.
  • to the west coast

    the west coast was much father from mppa control. plus gave people the a chance to run to Mexico.
  • nickeloden theaters

    Nickelodeon theaters were attracting 26-million viewers each week. Double five years later which the monopoly was created. thomas edison formed a trusted Called motion pictures patents company(mppc). plan was to use the combined patents to control things. In the other words, almost everything in the motion picture industry
  • its all bout money

    mppc didnt list names of actors in their films because they feared that actors would become well known and would want more money.
    the idendependent studios that had there own set West coast sw things differently. Immediately recognized an advantage an developing popular starts audiences would pay to see time andtime again
  • fame

    the first 20th century superstar was Charlie chaplin wa the comic genius of silent comedy. his pay started out $150 a week. more than a year later making a million a year.