Bundesarchiv bild183 r57262, werner heisenberg

Werner Heisenburg (Dec 5, 1901- Feb 1, 1976)

  • When Heisenberg started his career!

    When Heisenberg started his career!
    He started his studies in mathematics and physics at Ludwig-Maximilians University and the Georg-August University. He received a doctorate while he was studying under Arnold Sommerfeld at Munich. It only took him three years to earn his degree. He became a known scientist in such a little amount of time. It fascinates me!
  • Who is Werner Heisenberg? His first Establishment

    Werner Karl Heisenberg was a German theoretical physicist and one of the key creators of quantum mechanics. He had help by others their names were "Max Born and Pascual Jordan". He was only 23 years old when his first created was created.
  • Heisenberg next accomplishment

    Within the same year, he published his "uncertainty principle upon which he built his "philosophy" and for which he is best known.
  • Heisenberg earns a reward!

    Heisenberg earns a reward!
    Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics the reason was "for the creation of quantum mechanics". He earned this reward by one of the most known scientists! "Albert Einstein"!
  • He also earned a Medal!

    He received the Max Planck Medal from the German Physical Society, and only days later he found out that he would receive the Nobel Prize for physics. It only took him one year to receive these rewards for his intelligence.
  • He became president?!

    He became president?!
    He also became, the President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, he did much to further the policy of this Foundation, which was to invite scientists from other countries to Germany and to help them to work there.
  • References:

    “Ten Fun Facts about Werner Heisenberg.” 10 Facts About, www.10-facts-about.com/Werner-Heisenberg/id/338.
    SparkNotes, SparkNotes, www.sparknotes.com/biography/heisenberg/section8/page/2/.