Warren Buffett Timeline

  • Warren Buffett Born

    Warren Buffett Born
    Born in Nebraska
  • Warren Buffett buys first stock

    Warren Buffett buys first stock
    Buys six stocks of Cities Service. Buys it for 38$ and sells for 40$.
  • Enrolls in Wharton School of Finance and Commerce

    Enrolls in Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
    His father wants him to attend college. When he gets there, he complains that he knows more than the teachers.
  • Transfers to University of Nebraska

    Transfers to University of Nebraska
    Graduates in only three years. Took courses in the summer.
  • Enrolls at Columbia

    Enrolls at Columbia
    Gets denied from Harvard so decides to enroll at Columbia.
  • Buffett gets married

    Buffett gets married
    In 1977, Susan left Buffett, which devastated Buffett
  • Buffett creates Buffett Associates, Ltd

    Buffett creates Buffett Associates, Ltd
    Family and friends put in $105,000 to start the company. He never worked for anyone again.
  • Buffett makes first million dollar investment in windmill manufacturing company

    Buffett makes first million dollar investment in windmill manufacturing company
    Because of the amount of money he has made, he was able to invest a million dollars.
  • Buffett partnership becomes largest stockholder of Berkshire Hathaway

    Buffett partnership becomes largest stockholder of Berkshire Hathaway
    In 1970, 7 years after becoming the largest stockholder in Berkshire Hathaway, he owns 29% of the company and names himself chairman,
  • Buffett's person fortune is $3.8 billion

    Buffett's person fortune is $3.8 billion
    Starting at delivering magazines to being worth 3.8 billion dollars, Beffett is one of the best business men to live,