Warren Buffet

  • Warren Buffet is born

    Warren Buffet is born
    Warren Buffet is born in a hospital
  • Warren Buffet buys his first stock

    Warren Buffet buys his first stock
  • Warren Buffet Creates Wilson Coin operator

    Warren Buffet Creates Wilson Coin operator
    Buffett joins his friend Donald Danly to start a company called Wilson Coin Operated Machines. The business buys a pinball machine at a cost of $25 and places it in a nearby barber shop. Wilson Coin makes $50 per week for Buffett and Donald.
  • Buffet is introduced to Charlie Munger

    Buffet is introduced to Charlie Munger
    Buffett was introduced to Charlie Munger by his friend Edwin Davis at a dinner. Charlie Munger later becomes the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.
  • Buffet Creates Buffet Partnership

    Buffet Creates Buffet Partnership
    Buffett goes to New York to meet his old acquaintances to include more partners and raise capital. He collects a few hundreds of thousand dollars. Buffett partnerships is worth $7.2 million. Buffett then merges all partnerships into one and rename it as Buffett Partnerships Ltd.
  • Buffet takes full control of Berkshire Hathaway

    Buffet takes full control of Berkshire Hathaway
    Buffett invests $4 million in Walt Disney after a meeting with Walt Disney himself which is almost 5% of the company. Buffett takes full control of Berkshire Hathaway and names Ken Chase to be the CEO.
  • Berkshire Hathaway starts giving a Dividend

    Berkshire Hathaway starts giving a Dividend
    Buffett Partnership now owns 59.5% of Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire Hathaway pays a 10 cent dividend. This is the first and only dividend it has paid ever.
  • Partnership cost a lot

    Partnership cost a lot
    Partnership is worth $104 million.
  • Berkshire takes a hit

    Berkshire takes a hit
    Due to falling stock prices, the value of Berkshire Hathaway portfolio begins to fall. Warren’s personal network falls by more than 50%.
  • Bill gates elected director

    Bill gates elected director
    Bill Gates is elected as a director for Berkshire Hathaway.