
Wall E

  • The City

    The City
    1 Exposition: This is the beginning of the story we found out that humans left 700 hundred years ago and left robots to clean up trash.
  • Wall E working

    Wall E working
    2 Exposition: This is still part of the exposition because we are meeting the characters. The protagonist is a robot named Wall E the humans are the antagonists and Wall E is the protagonist. Wall E is picking up trash when you see him.
  • Wall E sees a space ship

    Wall E sees a space ship
    3 Rising Action: This is the first event of the rising action because it's when Wall E hears something outside than he goes outside to see what it is and he sees a spaceship.
  • Wall E meets Eve

    Wall E meets Eve
    4 Rising action: Wall E goes to see the spaceship and then he sees Eve leave the spaceship and Eve is scanning stuff.
  • Eve tries shooting Wall E

    Eve tries shooting Wall E
    5 Rising action: Wall E makes a noise and Eve hears it then she pulls out a gun and shoots the rock that Wall E was behind.
  • Wall E introduces himself to Eve

    Wall E introduces himself to Eve
    6 Rising action: Wall E comes out of Hiding and calm down Eve and then introduces himself to Eve then Eve did the same.
  • Wall E shows Eve his house

    Wall E shows Eve his house
    7 Rising action: Wall E brings Eve to his house and shows her stuff that he found and gave her some of the stuff to show her what it does.
  • Wall E show Eve a plant

    Wall E show Eve a plant
    8 Rising action: When Wall E shows Eve the plant Eve scans the plant and then grabs it from him and puts it in her and she rushes back to her spaceship.
  • Eve leaves

    Eve leaves
    When Eve was Leaving Wall E got on the spaceship with Eve and left with her.
  • Eve goes back to the spaceship where she came from

    Eve goes back to the spaceship where she came from
    10 Rising action: When Eve and Wall E got on the human spaceship she was taken by more robots. Eve was taken to the captain and she showed the captain the plant.
  • Evil Robot

    Evil Robot
    11 Climax: Wall E found Eve and the Evil Robot and the Evil Robot turned off Eve and Wall E saves her but the Evil Robot was attacked by the Captain and the Captain turned off the Evil Robot.
  • Wall E saves Eve

    Wall E saves Eve
    12 Falling action: When Wall E saves Eve she thanks Wall E and they went to see if the captain was OK
  • Humans go back to earth

    Humans go back to earth
    13 Solution: The Humans thank Wall E and Eve for showing them earth again so the humans go back to earth and they start living there again.