World war 2

Victor Lucio World War II Timeline

  • Manchuria Invasion

    Manchuria Invasion
    Japan invaded and in a few short months that finally completely controlled the entire province
  • Hitler rises up

    Hitler rises up
    Hitler used the treaty of Verailles to rally the german people saying that Germany was punished unjustly. Hitler was a drifting soldier after WW1 wondering germany.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    The first two acts outlawed the sale of arms or loans to warring nations. The third act extanded the ban on sales of arms to nations engaged in cival war.
  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    In Japan's path to take over the world they attacked China on January 29, 1937. This was yet another sign of what they were up to, unfortunately no one took them seriously because everyone just thought of them as that little island that could never do any damage.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    After Pearl Harbor Hitler orderd submarine raids along Americas east coast. By early 1943 American was producing 140 liberty ships each month which outweighed the number of submarines the germans could replace or ships they could destroy.
  • Non-Agression Pact

    Non-Agression Pact
    Stalin and Hitler made a pact in which it stated that they would not attack each other and split poland in half. Hitler chose this pact so that he would not have to fight on a second front.
  • Invasion of Denmark

    Invasion of Denmark
    The invasion of Denmark and Norway was a surprise attack launched by Hitler. Hitler attcked Norway and Denmark in order to protect those countries freedom and independence.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl  Harbor
    Japan attacked on American soil in Hawaii the Naval base that will forever go down into history, Pearl Harobr. There were over 2400 deaths. After the bombing we finally completely went to war, destroying isolationism.
  • Doolittle's Raid

    Doolittle's Raid
    A daring raid on Tokyo lead by lieutenaunt colonel James Doolittle and 16 bombers. Americans wake up to headlines saying "Tokyo Bombed! Doolittle Do'od It".
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    107,000 allied troops landed in casablanca, Oran, and Algiers in north Africa. After months of heavy fighting in may 1943 the last of the afrika Korps surrenderd.
  • D-Day

    The massive allie invasion of Europe through France.The allies gatherd a force of nearly 3million American, British, and Canadian troops.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    On December 16, 1944 Hitler in afinal act of desperation launched a counterattack against U.S. forces to try to prevent us to get into Germany. Battle fo the Bulge was and still is considered one if not the bloodiest battles in the war.
  • Yelta Conference

    Yelta Conference
    The big three discused the fate of germany and the post war world for eight days in Yalta in the soviot Union. Roosevelt wanted stalins support for a peace keeping orginization to be called the united nations.

    Was fought from febuary 19th to march 16th 1945. The island contained 20,700 japanese soldiers in which only 200 survived leaving 6,000 marines dead. Iwo jima was important to the US so they could have a base where heavily loaded bombers could reach japan.
  • Okinawa

    By the time the battle had ended more than 7,600 americans had died and 110,000 japanese soldiers died. Due to Okinawa the allies decided not to invade japan seeing the japanese die for a little island forcasted an invasion of the mainland.
  • FDR's Death

    FDR's Death
    Roosevelt did not live to see V-E Day. While posing for a portrait in warm springs Georgia Roosevelt had a stroke and died.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    President Roosevelt did not live to see V-E Day. Hitler killed himself and had his body burned to avoid the disgrace of capitulation. A week after Hitlers death Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich.
  • Bomb Japan, Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945

    Bomb Japan, Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945
    On August 8, 1945 America bombed Hiroshima. Over 80 million people were killed after the bomb.
  • Nagasaki Bombing

    Nagasaki Bombing
    The day after the bombing of Hiroshima another bomb was launched. This was the second and final bombing, killing another 40,000. Together they killed 120,000 people, some non Japanese.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    V-J Day was declared because the Japanese Emporer was horrified at the distruction of the atomic bombs america had unleashed. On September 2 formal surrender cerimonies took place on the U.S battle ship Missouri in tokyo Bay. Macarthur says today the guns are silent.