Van Gogh's Timeline

By opae
  • Van Gogh was born

    Van Gogh was born
    Van Gogh was born in Holland+
  • Van Gogh started to work

    Van Gogh started to work
    Van Gogh started to work.when he was 15
  • Van Gogh moved to london

    Van Gogh moved to london
    Van Gogh moved to london
  • Van Gogh worked near coal mine

    Van Gogh worked near coal mine
    Van Gogh worked near coal mine
  • Van Gogh become an artist

    Van Gogh become an artist
    Van Gogh decided to become an artist when he was 27 years old
  • Van Gogh moved to France

    Van Gogh moved to France
    Van Gogh moved to France
  • Van Gogh starts to paint with bright colors in his art

    Van Gogh starts to paint with bright colors in his art
    Van Gogh's painting style changes
  • Van Gogh painted Starry Night

    Van Gogh painted Starry Night
    Van Gogh painted Starry Night
  • Van Gogh died

    Van Gogh died
    Van Gogh died