US Immigration

  • 1790

    The constitution passed a law defining who could become a citizen if a person was not born here.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
    No chinese laborer could enter the US for 10 years. Professionals were still allowed to immigrate.
  • Quota act of 1921

    Quota act of 1921
    Immigration from any country is limited to 2 percent of its total number in the 1980 census.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    Each countries immigrants were limited to 2 percent of foreign born residents from that country listed in the US Census of 1890.
  • 1965-Immigration Reform Act

    1965-Immigration Reform Act
    Abolishing the quota system based on national origin
  • 1986 - Immigration Reform and Control Act

    1986 - Immigration Reform and Control Act
    Eligable workers could be granted temporary and then permanent residency. After 5 years they could apply for citizenship.
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    Immigration Act of 1990
    No country could account for more than 7 percent of total immigrants.
  • Immigration Reform Act of 1996

    Immigration Reform Act of 1996
    A new law expands the US Border Patrol and stiffens penalties for false papers.
  • Bush's Bill

    Bush's Bill
    Bill proposed to fill short term laboy needs through a quest worker program and strengthened border control. Fine undocumented immigrants and require them to fulfill certain obligations before they could apply for citizenship. Later 2007 Senate voted the bill down.